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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 06-17-2014, 01:26 PM

How long had he been fleeing from his fate? How long had he eluded death? Akiyama's weariness was beginning to take its tolls on the man. As his body slouched and he lost his ability to feel, his mouth feel dry and his stomach growled with vigorous hungry. He needed water and food. He needed to get out of the bug-infected forest. His body, laced with bites and red lumps, felt foreign to him. It felt invaded and it caused him to wince in pain.

Faded blue eyes glanced up to view the first star of the evening. He tried to gulp, but found his palette too dry. Instead, his body rolled from the horse he clung to. Down, down, down he rolled. It was probably unwise to unhitch from a horse of a rolling hill, but Akiyama's mind was impaired.

The sound of thunderous hooves caused him to return to reality. Eyes wide with panic, his urge to live returned with much veracity. He needed to get out of this area. He needed to hide and escape the tyrannous wrath of a scorn kingdom.

Teeth grit, he rolled off the tree he lodged into just moments ago. With a groan, he fumbled to his feet and began his run onward.

With the sound of hooves behind him, Akiyama slowed his pace. He needed to catch his breathe. Of course, in doing such, he became a fool to nature and the world around him. He heed no attention, thus leaving him a sitting duck to whatever stalked the forest.

Hand landing on a tree, he heaved in heavy breaths of air. God, it hurt to breath. His eyes shot to the sky to scope out the cool air that lingered above. It did him little good. In fact, it caused him more harm. The sharp crispness was too fresh and raw for him. Bending at the hips, he wretched all over the forest floor.

On his knees, he continued to dry heave as he was thrown into a fit of coughs and gags. It sucked, but this feeling wasn't new to him. Early signs of dehydration, he mused.

Forcing himself up, he found a stick and used it as his guide. It was his crunch on life right now and the only thing he could rely on.

Just as his foot was about to crunch a pile of leaves, he caught something in his ears. Head immediately turning, he drew out his sword and lunged forward.

Blade just inches from the throat of a hooded face, Akiyama squinted to take in the woman's hidden features (Fiaria). Almost as soon as the sword appeared, it vanished into its sheath. Hand running across his face to clean up, he spat while hiding the action with his hand and shoulder.

As his eyes rolled back up to meet the woman, Akiyama found himself staring at just a tree. She was... gone.

Brows caving in, he sighed. "Sorry," he quipped before stepping backwards to sit on a fallen tree. Of course, upon smelling his emptied stomach, his nose crinkled and he moved across the forest. Much to his luck, he spied a small stream and thirstily cupped his hands into the water. It was so refreshing, but he knew he had to be cautious with his rapid drinking. Slowing his pace until he stopped, Akiyama gazed across the forest.

"Where am I," he spoke aloud.

Head turning, he found himself stalking shadows. "Hooded woman, I mean you no harm. I am merely a..." He choked on the words. "A man without a purpose."