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BrookeHaven is offline
Old 06-17-2014, 08:04 PM

Eyebrows have become such a big deal in women's fashion within the past few months alone. Tags like #browsonpoint and #browsornobrows, and even #bitcheswithbadbrows have taken the entire issue to the next level. The sad part is that beauty and fashion blogs, instead of teaching girls to love their natural shape and enhance it, are teaching that the "best" brow shape is a kind of perfect boxed arch.
Instead of looking for ways to pluck, trim, or draw your eye into this shape you should look for ways to enhance your natural eye lines. The shape you're born with is almost always the one that looks best with your face type. I have thick, light eyebrows that arch and end near my nose in a round shape. I add light concealer to make the arch more pronounced and darken them (because my hair is dyed dark) and voila! I'm day ready.