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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-20-2014, 11:43 PM

Lucas had little trouble moving out of the way to allow the female to take a shot. He was not going to hack her up, though he figured she might have been unsure. He would be there to keep an eye on her though if need be, though the woman who said that she would not attack back. When she moved back and landed on her backside, he paused. She had given up, and seemed exhausted. He chuckled a bit, slipping his own blade back into position in its' sheath. "You did good" he reassured her, flashing her a warm smile. When Chaiasa bowed, he did as well now hearing his name.

He blinked a bit, turning his head in time to see Anna coming over. She asked if he could be borrowed, and he raised an eyebrow. His arm being grabbed, seemed he did not have much of a choice in the matter. It was fine, if he could be of assistance, he would be. Once they were over by the other's, Anna spoke of rescue. Was someone in danger? His attention was now fully on what was going on here. His breath and heart rate already beginning to calm from the little brawl. He learned to pace himself and the like during his days as training. Now however, it seemed the others were being a tad reckless.

They did not seem to want to let the other know, hence using the last two of their members as a distraction. He thought about speaking up, saying it would be unwise to go off on their own. The feeling inside of him that had been there since they got to wherever this was was returning. He glanced at the woods, feeling the muscles within his body tense a little. There was little time to argue, before they were off. It was better to stay as a team yes, and whatever it was they could handle it..right? He glanced at Anna for a moment, then the other male. The two of them seemed to have become friends, and he found a warm smile coming to his lips.

Even in an odd place like this, they were able to be themselves and make friends. That was what they had origionally come here for right? He decided to speak up, once the other said he heard a voice. "We should keep on our guard...this place has been full of surprises so far" he said, thinking back on what they had been through already. The point was, nothing would happen if they were merely standing still right? He listened in the direction they were speaking about, before he took a step within the direction. He kept his eyes and ears trained on the surrounding area.