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Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 06-21-2014, 11:49 PM

Tamina's long-suffering maid.

Amani: *suspiciously* I'm told you want to ask me some questions.

Wyrmskyld: Yes, we're asking questions of everyone who left the banquet at any time last night. Can you tell us the last time you saw the mirror?

Amani: I'm sure I saw it at lunchtime-- the Caravan Master was offering to let everyone look into it. And I think it was there right before the banquet. *thinks a moment* I don't remember if I saw it when I went to the wagon, though.

Wyrmskyld: 'The wagon'?

Amani: Tamina's wagon. She hates tents, so she has one of those gypsy wagons to sleep in. I made her a cup of tea before the banquet, and I couldn't remember if I'd taken the kettle off or not. *looks prim* I certainly couldn't let the whole place burn down, could I?

Wyrmskyld: And that's all you did? Went to the wagon and checked the kettle?

Amani: ... Fine. I also took this. *reaches into her pocket and holds out a small box* There are so many stupid wedding presents around, even that greedy cow Marika won't notice one missing.

Wyrmskyld: You... don't like your mistress's daughter?

Amani: I don't like any of them. Tamina married for money, Marika's lucky a prince came along because she wouldn't settle for anything less, and Nadra's always bringing home filthy animals. I only stay because we hardly ever see civilization. The minute we see a city, I'm getting my pay and getting out.

Wyrmskyld: That mirror would be pretty valuable if someone sold it...

Amani: Do I look stupid enough to take something that expensive? *gets a conspiratorial look and leans closer* If you ask me, Salil's the one you want to be talking to. It was obvious he saw something veeery interesting when he looked into the mirror, but he wouldn't tell anyone what he saw.

Wyrmskyld: That might be useful, yes. Thank you very much, Amani.