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Artifex is offline
Old 06-23-2014, 01:56 AM

Curiosity was edging it's way into his eyes as Hemset stared at the woman. With a quick glance around he was sure no one was paying him any attention-and why would they? He was completely average looking in every way, at least that was the look he had been going for.

With a deep breath Hemset closed his eyes and pretended to take a sip of his water as he cast a very simple spell on his own sight. He wanted to know what this woman was capable of and this spell would grant him the ability to see exactly what magic surrounded her.

Bringing his drink back down he opened his eyes to look at her again a gasp caught in his throat and make him choke. After a brief coughing fit that brought tears to his eyes he wiped them away and looked again. He had seen correctly and yet he still didn't believe it.

It was like seeing two people at once, layered with one another. One the woman that everyone else saw and the other was a child that could not be mistaken for any other. The sunshine princess of Rashmaal, as happy and carefree as can be.

Hemset froze, his trembling hand fumbled to grip onto his staff as he stared, unable to even blink for fear of losing sight of her. Where were her captors? How did she end up here, so far from home? She didn't look terribly kidnapped, he concluded after quickly scanning the crowd. Just that old woman seemed to be with her and there wasn't anything special about her at all so she couldn't be the culprit, but then who?

Whoever they were, it was very possible that they would be looking for her and clearly they had a powerful magical ability to be able to alter the princess like that. Hemset needed to act now if he wanted to help avoid a war. He had to get her back home.