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Old 06-23-2014, 04:36 PM

It was a long night for Lex. It seemed his Princess had decided to go on another of her late night disappearances. He paced his room across the hall tirelessly, waiting for her footsteps in the hall. He'd noticed she'd gone after he'd gotten up to check on her. Lex had a feeling that she might leave again. She hadn't done so in a while. Time ticked by as he sat there counting each minute, hoping that she'd return soon.

"Gods for-fend. I am going to go mad if she doesn't return-- though I suppose that really won't matter much as I am sure I'll be dead before long. If she's not home within the hour I'll have to go looking for her. I really don't want to have to go looking for her. Who even decided she needed a knight? The woman can handle herself just fine. And it's not like I can stop her from doing as she pleases. She's the Princess for the God's sakes!"

Heaving yet another sigh Lex continued his trek around his room. Thankfully Helena was home not long after that, and with much time to spare Lex's sanity.

When his Princess returned Lex was waiting to greet her. After safely seeing her into her room the knight turned and made his way to the stables to ready the horses. Upon first getting this station Lex was quite put out by Helena's random and intermittent disappearances. After a bit of sleuthing Lex decided to let the matter drop. He'd had her followed once or twice and after learning what she was up to he really didn't want to know anymore. Lex shook his head. There was another matter at hand. Getting ready to ride out to Rashmaal. It seemed his Princess had gone far once more as her horse was already tacked and seemed a bit winded. Lex shook his head again as he pulled the animal from it's stall before walking it a little to cool it down. They'd have another bit of a ride as soon as she returned. Helena seemed in a bit of a turmoil so there was really no telling what kind of pace would be set on their ride. It would do no good for the beast to lame up. After seeing to it that the Princess' horse was set he turned to his own, quickly putting on it's gear and mounting. Lex reached down with a murmur of thanks to the stable hand who'd held the other horse, and took it's reigns leading it from the stable to wait for the princess outside.

Lex sat atop his horse, watching his charge, his face a study of blank neutrality as he watched her stride toward the place where he and her retinue waited with her mount. Lex watched her carefully looking for any signs of physical distress as she mounted up. Once firmly seated she turned to him. "Are we ready to ride?"

Lex nodded once, "Yes." And with that they were under way.

Lex raised an eyebrow as Helena looked back over the unit of men following her, briefly wondering at her thoughts, before dismissing them and resuming his focus on their ride.

Last edited by Velleni; 06-24-2014 at 03:11 AM..