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Old 06-23-2014, 06:22 PM

Listening to how Alison stated that she didn't remember Jersey and that how her mom and her had moved down here around when she was only the age of five. It was only moments later that Shiro had actually realized that Alison was mostly speaking about how it was her and her mom most of the time, this made him start to wonder why she spoke nothing about her father. Raising a brow as he continued to look away the entire time, he slowly turned his head over to the side to face her. "What about your father?...was he following with you guys the entire time or was he trying to find a job or something?" He questioned her curiously as multiple questions began to fill his mind about the situation of why she had to even move to begin with, there were many questions that filled his head but he kept silent about all of them rather than spilling it all out at once since he kind of knew what it was like to tell people about other's lives. For example, Shiro could began ever speak up about his own life since he didn't know much about his own parents to begin with and the thought of telling people that he used to live in an orphanage was giving away the fact that he was like some kind of bum or something. From walking around most of his life, Shiro had seen more than well enough how society treated bums; some people were kind of enough to give them a dollar or two but others treated them nothing more than trash.

As he continued to listen as how Alison asked about the bar being loud and expecting something like that to be in the city. Shiro ended up giving a light chuckle before turning to look back away from her, the sound of the bar door opening and closing with a bit of noise was probably the one thing that caught his attention as he turned his head right around to see that a female was making her way straight to the bar counter to order a drink. She didn't look like she was in any mood to be dealing with anyone at the moment, by the time she had sat down was when Shiro had actually noticed her face; she had left the cafe not too long after Shiro was rushing to get into the building and get ready for work. So now she was here at the bar, did something happen to her during the day or something; she looked just fine when she left the cafe. Keeping his gaze away from her so that it didn't look like he was staring and trying to figure out the problem, the next thing he knew; Shiro overheard Alison speak to the same woman about being less reckless about how she was acting on getting a drink. 'Well then....uhh, that works too.' He mentally told himself as he kept his eyes shifting around the bar until another loud bang of the door to the bar swung open and closed yet again.

This time, when Shiro had turned to look over at the entrance; it seemed to had been a group of males who all looked quite muscular and each of them were looking as though they were searching for a fight or something. These men however, weren't any ordinary men who were just looking for some kind of drink; they were the same exact thugs and more that Shiro had showed a lesson to earlier within the alleyway. 'Great...what're they doing here..' He thought to himself with a light sigh as he turned his back just slightly to the entrance to hide his face to the men. In the middle of the group was one larger male who had tattoos scattered all over both his left and right arms as he wore a dark greyish wife-beater that had spots of the shirt being ripped. He wore a pair of black shorts that looked tattered to the point that it was a shocker to believe they were still holding together. His jet black hair went down to his shoulders and looked as though he had just went through some kind of tornado and decided to scrub it with a rake. It wasn't too tough to figure out the male was their boss or at least someone around that kind of level within their little gang. Were they searching for Shiro, or were they just looking for some kind of drink and wanted to look tough.

Listening as to how they made their way through the room, they had seemed to push aside anyone who even thought of getting in their way as each one of them took a seat on the stool around the large bar counter. Perfect, just perfect...the one place they had to take a seat was just right where they could get a good view of Shiro's face if they looked over and paid enough attention to his face. Resting both his arms onto the counter as he leaned over to the side where Alison sat, he did his best to whisper loud enough for her to hear him but not for the group of men sitting there and ordering a whole load of drinks. "Hey, uhm....Alsion..I'm going to get out of here for a bit okay..I got take care of; if might want to get out of here..." After explaining just enough to her, he faced the woman that Alison was also speaking with and tried to increase how loud he spoke to the other woman as well. "You too miss...this place might get a bit...rough..soon." After explaining to her as well, Shiro slowly began to stand up to his feet and turned his back towards the group of men who sounded like they were just about ready to finish their orders.