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VeraDark is offline
Old 06-26-2014, 02:37 AM

Roxxxy, I keep forgetting I'm old enough to post in here, I'm so sorry...

And keep at it, job openings happen when you least expect them, you just have to keep at it.

Quite often you can get a job just by persistently applying and trying to talk to the hiring staff (just not to the point of harrassment). They see that kind of motivation, they tend to look funny at the slackers they've already got... It does work, believe me.

And be prepared to open your mouth and explain to them exactly why you want to work for them more than anyone else, even if you don't. Learn about what they do and how and why it makes them different or special (giving them some validation) and use that to get a rapport going with the interviewer.

I've done these things, and gotten jobs. It just takes work to get work, I guess.