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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-02-2014, 01:00 AM

Mios slowed his pace at the wailing of the much smaller woman. It was when the tears started falling from her eyes that his grip loosened just enough for the woman to slip free and start running towards the village of his people. Taking after her, it only really took a few steps before the centaur had cut off her path. "Would Nia want this?" He asked, lowering himself closer to Rayne's level.

Having a feeling that the woman would not listen to reason, he gently grabbed her by both of her shoulders, bending his front legs so that he didn't quite tower over the woman. "L-Rin," he said softly, his green eyes locking on her blue ones, brows furrowing slightly. "Would Nia want us to go back and seek pity on her?" He asked, voice stern, eyes serious. They both knew that the male's sister would want to be apart of the hunt for her attacker. Nia was the type to act first, ask questions later so if someone went at her with a weapon, she would want to double, nay, triple the damage they had done.

Before Rayne had a chance to reply, it seemed that the two had a visitor. Mios stumbled backwards a bit, releasing the woman before even being instructed before slowly blinking at the disheveled male before him. A teasing gleam instantly entered the Centaur's eyes, but the second it was there it was gone. Slowly standing at his full height, Artemios looked down on the male. "She is as much of a centaur as I," he said, chest puffed as he crossed his arms over his chest plate. "It would be wise for you to rethink your plan of attack whilst appearing in such a state," he added, watching the man from down his nose. "You shall not fare well against a Centaur or even lesser beast in your condition."

Looking back towards Rayne, Mios then placed a hand behind her back before urging her back towards the direction he had been trying to lead her before. "Come, I fear that direction is no longer safe to venture," he said before glancing back at the male for a moment.