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Old 07-02-2014, 08:33 PM

She rode the horses long and hard with no stopping. Though who needed to rest, she lashed out at and ushered them to return home. Helena was in no mood for weak men. These people were to be her knights! If she could hold her piss for 8-hours straight, then by god so could they! If they could not, then they were not for her. She needed capable, reliable men. Men like Lex, who seemed to be the only knight left to aid her for all had been sent back.

"I find it funny, that only you can match my desires. Why do I even need a posse of knights when only one can carry out commands to a tee?"

Her horse frothed at the mouth, typical after a long, hard right. It's veins were raised and its nostrils flared. The poor beast was exhausted and on the verge of collapse. Thankfully, Helena noted this and significantly slowed their pace. "Eight hours?" She was wagering the time it would take for them to arrive. It was really no easy task to get to this port of Rashmaal, especially the southern end of Yuua.

To get to Rashmaal, one had to travel through the great forests or through the Banished Lands. Now, being of royalty, the Banished Lands were out of question. And to take the mountains to the north? Ha! That was suicide. Dragons and rogues lived there, as did snow and sheer drops. The forest was the only way around. What sucked about it was that it wasn't a straight path. Often travelers had to weave around the long way, taking the southern loop below the Heart of the Forest. It was more or less sacred ground and the dividing line between Yuua forest and Rashmaal forest. Now on the Rashmaal side of things, they would have about a eight-hour ride ahead of them. Yuua seemed to have more forest, but it wasn't the case. Yuua's portion just dipped really far south, almost to Taq'Nol. It was a pain and it sucked how out of the way one had to travel, but it just had to be so.

Before they ventured into the Rashmaal territory, Helena found herself taking a quick 'pee break.' She assumed Lex would do the same for they wouldn't get to go again until later. Much later.

Back on her horse, she rode in silence. Her eyes focused on the road ahead and her ears alert for the sound of forest stalkers. Only twice did she raise her weapon, both times false alarms on innocent rabbits.

Finally, about 6-hours in, she spoke.

"Ugh, my ass hurts. When we get to Rashmaal, I want a butt massage." Looking over at Lex, she winked. It was a non-loving wink though, for she could and would never look at Lex with bedroom eyes. Oh god no. He knew far too much about her. Like that one time she got super ill and he had to tote her around the house and she threw up on him shortly after farting. Yes, she was quite certain not to love that man. He saw all her flaws, all of them! There was even this one time that he had to hold up her large dress so that she could pee. Usually her ladies in waiting would do that, but Helena had none. She hated women more than she hated men.

The rest of the ride consisted of her talking about food. "I wonder if they will have fried dough there. I would love some sugar to spice up my life. Ugh, and the idea of wine. Wine and grapes. Cheese. Fresh fish. Why, I could just sing about these delish dishes!"

She paused to think.

"Lex, do you wanna stuff your face? C'mon let's go get fat. I wanna see you gorge and horde. Grab all the plates and stuff awayyyy! We needa dine together and enjoy our time. I wish you would pour me wine! Do you wanna stuff your face? It doesn't have to be the desserts!"

Bursting into laughter, the woman let loose a wild snort before flailing backwards. Resting limply on her horse, she grinned giddily over at Lex.

"Do you wanna stuff your face? Or drink up all the city's wine? I think your company will just have to do. I've started talking to the flies on the wall! (How's it hanging, Stan!) It gets a little lonely, all these filled bowls just beginning to satifyyy."

--- Two Hours Later --

Finally, they were there. Finally, they were in Rashmaal and heading to the castle. On her feet, Helena held her butt to Lex's face. "I still want that butt-rub, bub." With a conceited snort, she turned his nose up but was quickly caught off guard by the sound of grieving and fear.

Brow quirking, a look of intense interest came onto her face. "Have these people finally come to realize that I am far more beautiful than their baby princess?" Helena's grin widened. "Clearly. Those poor saps."

Just as she was able to open her yap again, she heard someone burst into a hot mess of tears and snot. It was repulsive and Helena growled at the woman.

"What is your problem, Rashmaalian." She hissed and coiled back much like an angry cobra.

"Me lady of Yuua, our princess has left. We grieve for she is lost."

"Lost?" Her nose twisted and wrinkled. "Lost." Her head snapped to Lex. "Lost!" There was a bit of amusement to that last statement. "Whelp, I suppose I ought to find that dreadful, happy-go-lucky brother of mine. I just want to shove it in his face. His beloved is lost and he's without a bride."

Head up and chin parallel to the steps, she ascended to the castle gates. "Open up, peons." Her lack of hesitation and the strength of her bark startled the men on duty. "NOW!" she demanded.

Gates opening, she stepped in and tucked her hair back in line. "Rashmaalians are idiots. To think Aiden would want to marry one of this kingdom is beyond me. Daft and meek, so filthy!"

It was odd that no one escorted her. It was even more odd that Helena didn't waver or go about bringing on her own havoc and hell on these already broken people. Perhaps it was Lex? Definitely. He would certainly interfere if she tried to misbehave.

Stepping into the room where Aiden, his knight, and the royals of Rashmaal stood, Helena draped herself against a statue.

"So I heard you're a lousy future-husband." Her voice caused all to jump to attention. "No need to get your panties in a knot. It's just little Helena coming to see how her brother fairs. Though, with this news to my ears, I can only imagine your agony and pain. To lose someone so young and innocent to...." She trailed off. "How did you lose her?" Helena stared at Aiden. "Well?"

-- The Next Morning --

"LEX!" Helena stormed out of her room and toppled into her knight. "You know what you forgot to do last night?" Sneering, she whirled around and pointed at her butt. "Do you see this! DO YOU SEE IT!" Snorting, she whirled around and grabbed the man by his nose. "My ass has flattened! You need to shape it up and get it back into its rounded glory!"

She would bother with Aiden later. Maybe. Oh, nope. Now. He was standing in the hallway. Along with another guy. Oh, he was quite handsome. Pulling her rear from Lex's hands, Helena curtsied at the name man. Not the king who was behind Aiden, but the handsome beau. She was rather rude and she didn't care.

"Helena of Yuua." Her hand stretched out to receive a kiss. Once it was received, she pulled it back and put them on her hips. "So what are you folks all up to?"

Hannibal, quirking a brow at this odd yet beautiful woman, offered her the kiss she prompted. Now having his lips to himself, he cleared his throat to address the princess. "I have been hired by the King of Rashmaal to find your brother's child-br- the princess." He couched, as if to cover for his little slip-up. "They were going to go over her details again and then I was going to behind my hunt. Though," Hannibal's gaze shifted to Aiden, "Your brother believes me incompetent and will hunt for her on his own."

"Am I allowed to place a bet on the wi-" an elbow went into her ribs. Wincing, she turned up to see Lex standing beside her. Clearly watching her tongue, for she didn't have a kind word to say. "Well then I wish you both the best of luck. Maybe you both succeed in bringing her home." She grit her teeth as she lied.

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