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Nalin Sun
Petal Paradise
Nalin Sun is offline
Old 07-04-2014, 04:23 PM

Staff Contests & Games

  • At Least There's Cake: An Ugly Wedding Contest (Daily Challenge Game) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    A lot of sweat and tears go into planning the perfect wedding, but what if you were free to ignore the boundaries of taste & convention and plan the most hideous, tacky wedding ever imagined? Knerd and Cardinal Biggles give you the chance to do just that in this quirky daily challenge contest!

  • Catered With LOVE: A Culinary Arts + Crafts Contest (RL Cooking Contest) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    According to BellyButton, the very best part about weddings is the free food! Imagine you have been tasked with catering the wedding & show off those culinary skills by entering your drinks, appetizers, and main dishes -- if you are very brave, you can even try your hand at designing a cake topper or making an actual wedding cake!

  • Dearly Bedazzled (Coloring Pages) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    Roses are occasionally red and violets are more or less blue,
    there might be something called "too much pink",
    (but just how much is up to you!)
    Join Mythos for a uniquely Menewshan coloring activity!

  • Epithalamion: A Creativity Contest (Writing Contest) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    Let Seito and Mythos guide you on this celebration of marriage through prose. Write on a series of daily prompts, gaining additional points for including keywords and themes of the day.

  • "I Do" and Fashion Don'ts (Avatar Contest) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    Practice your avatar-making skills with DariaMorgendorfer and Linnea in this multi-category avatar contest. Try the colors theme, defy the norm by showing us what not to wear to your wedding, or grab a friend and give the international weddings group category a go!

  • The LOVEly Bouquet Hunt Extravaganza (Daily Chance Game) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    Romantic hopefuls may be longing to catch Vicky's bouquet to up their chances at finding lasting love, but Cora is going to make you work for it! Search through a series of gift boxes each day. Those who manage to find the bouquet will be entered into a raffle for some pretty amazing items!

  • The Playlist (Music Trivia Game) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    What fun is a wedding without music? DJ LONGCAT has got you covered! Stick around and see if you can piece together the playlist by guessing the song and theme for each day, and you might win something cool!

  • Wedding Guestbook (Just For Fun/RP) -- JUMP TO THREAD
    Stop by and leave your well-wishes for the happy couple, and your pose for the group photo. ^.^;

Last edited by BellyButton; 08-01-2014 at 04:54 AM..