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Resident Nom-er >:D
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Old 07-05-2014, 11:08 PM

She fought the urge to roll her eyes at him, and ended up giving into that urge. “You pride yourself on being a hunter. Go fish.” She had lived on a boat while photographing New World monkeys in the Amazon. The guide she was travelling with proved to be quite useless as they were cheated out of their food before the trip even started. She had dismissed him immediately and instead learned to survive on her own. A small smile appeared on her face as she remembered how livid her brothers were when they found out. They both managed to drag themselves from wherever they were in the world to her house to reprimand her.

The smile faded when she felt the enormous negativity coming from her travel partner. At least he knew how to navigate. He really didn’t like her. She shook her head and built up her barriers to keep anyone from getting into her mind. Melanie then proceeded to walk to the part of the ship where she would be the furthest from him and leaned over the side. Her strength was draining quite a bit, but she forced herself to power through.