Thread: Family Secrets
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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 07-19-2014, 04:38 AM

Luca looked out of the window, feeling pensive as he watched the rain fall heavily on the glass. His family's house was massive, and he could easily live his life within the walls without seeing another person for months. The servants were rarely around, stealthily cleaning the house while their master's worked. His gaze slid from the rain to the grounds below that the water hit. The gardens were beautiful, with Italian inspirations as his family originally hailed from the country. Usually Luca would be outside, losing himself in the foliage and flowers. But he didn't like getting wet, so he had to remain coped up inside.

A knock at his bedroom door brought his attention inside. His room was decorated with warm colours, reds and golds that made his family's wealth obvious. A knock came again from the dark wooden double doors, making him approach cautiously. Who would be knocking at his door at this time of the day? And so close to the family meeting as well. He opened the door, his dark eyes scanning the man that stood in the hallway. He was a stranger, perhaps someone that worked for his father. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hello, how can I help you? I am rather busy if..." Luca's words were cut short as a small blade was plunged into his stomach. He doubled up in shock and pain as his assailant ran from the scene. He moaned as he looked down at the red liquid that poured from his wound, pulling the blade out with a grunt. He wasn't sure how deep the blade had gone, or if it was a deadly injury. He tried to stand up, but the pain made his head spin and he had to grip the door jam in order to stay upright. His mind was racing. What should he do?

A bell rung throughout the mansion. The family meeting was on. If Luca didn't appear before his father, he would be declared a dead son and cast from the family. He had nowhere to go and didn't like the idea of living on the city streets. He turned and went to his en suite, picking up a towel and wrapping it around his wound as a make-shift bandage. He then changed his top and jacket, nearly fainting at the activity. He was sure the wound would heal on its own. He had his family's blood after all, and the Moretti family were vampires.

Hobbling to the ballroom, he stood near a brother, gazing upon his father as the man stood in front of the family to give a speech. He felt faint and could hardly hear what was being said.

"An uncle from Italy... Here to visit..." His father's speech swam in and out as he struggled to stand. Blood was still soaking the towel he had wrapped around him and his stomach felt as if it was digesting his insides. Everyone clapped as the stranger that had stabbed him took a spot near his father's side. His blood red eyes met Luca's and he smirked. Luca opened his mouth, but no words came out. He couldn't take the pain any longer and collapsed on the ballroom floor, his family surrounding him as his blood poured from his wound.

He could hear them talking, but couldn't understand what was being said. Suddenly he was picked up from the floor and taken somewhere cold and wet. Blinking he looked up at the night sky as the rain poured on his face, washing away his blood.