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solidfalcon is offline
Old 07-21-2014, 02:55 AM

Kirnathous heroic pose deflated slightly as he listened to Mios and even more-so as the centaur attempted to urge the woman away. Here he was, attempting to save this woman's life from the hands of a rogue centaur and she apparently didn't need any help from him at all. In fact she was supposedly a centaur as well. A... Weird... Not-horse centaur. Half centaur maybe? What did those even look like? Was she adopted, perhaps? Regardless, he felt rather stupid now. She was clearly not struggling from the horseman and he, himself, didn't appear at all rogue or crazy or rabid. They looked rather comfortable in each others presence, even. He readjusted the glasses on his face as he stared at the two across from him, his cheeks faint with embarrassed blush.

"Well then it appears I have made an error in judgment," He admitted with apology to Mios before clearing his throat as he attempted to rid himself of that embarrassing feeling that tingled in his stomach. A second screw up only hours after the first; what else could go wrong? He began patting his clothes down, dusting off the dirt and leaves. "I heard the sounds of an upset woman and assumed the worst. I had no idea you were actually her friend, good sir. My apologies."

He began plucking the leaves and twigs from his hair, wondering exactly how many branches and bushes he fell and ran through last night in vain attempts to find the missing princess. He was on the final leaf when he heard Rayne call him a friend and he froze, looking over toward the woman as he stared at her, appearing very confused.

The last time he checked, he had no friends. He was just some weirdo guy in blue who slept on a magical tree in the middle of the forest and occasionally did things for said tree. He never really took the time to make friends. Ever. And so this came as a surprise to him. And to his knowledge, he had no idea who this woman even was. Or at least... He didn't really recognize her. How could he? With all the memories he's stolen over the years it was impossible for him to know for certain who he actually knew. But she seemed to recognize this form of him, so their meeting must have been rather recent.

"Uh. Yes! I. Remember you!" He said as he quickly combed his fingers through his messy hair to flatten it out. "You're. That one! Woman! From that. One time, yes! Hello again, friend!" He had no idea what her name was. And with how his mind was a vortex of too many memories that were not his own, he couldn't immediately recall he had met the woman three times before this. But would he ever admit to not knowing her?... Nope. He was far too prideful, and embarrassed of his memory, for that.

Last edited by solidfalcon; 07-21-2014 at 02:58 AM..