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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 07-22-2014, 04:23 AM

Ambrosia once again listened quietly, however, she saw Yamato's unit shift. The predictive model in her mind followed his motion and she turned her head in the direction he was firing before he let off the single shot, watching as the target he was attacking fell. Her mind was partly preoccupied with what he'd said, but her thoughts on the matter were conflicted, difficult, she already knew whose opinions mattered to her, or at least her mind had come to a current conclusion. It wasn't the shareholders though. That very idea, to her mind, was unacceptable, so she dismissed it quickly, preparing for combat she she turned on the cooling units, purging her system for a moment.

Her machine grew colder, the external heat signature fading from then on it would be a steady stream of cooling until she needed the extra power, turning off the cooling units for that moment would aid in that matter. She moved her attention forward, beginnign to run simulations again, for every movement the team made there were opposing moment sin her predictions, all ghost images that she was prepared tor eact to, or leave the others to react to if the odds favored them. She kept her pace steady.

Shirley nodded a little to herself as she continued to think about things, she continued to work through various details on her computer, switching programs frequently, there were a few images of tech ideas but nothing solid yet, she had tried to imagine the mechanics of a quadraped unit herself. The idea of a four-legged unit was interesting, it would have had superior mobility on extremely rocky or uneven terrain, and if set up correctly could even let them have superior scaling ability. Using four legs also meant a lower center of gravity and an easy way to increase stability, this allowed heavier weapons being handled with greater accuracy, but frankly their overall speed was probably poorer, they would have to rely on piloting skill too.

The midland forces had also recently developed new reverse-jointed units. They were fast and good jumping ability and shock absorption when landing from greater heights, but reverse join legs were awkward and required more room to maneuver. It was probably why Frontier units favored standard bipedals for the most part. It wasn't as hard to imagine and practice human-like movements with a humanoid mech.
Shirley had taken an almost-bored look on her face as she flipped through her research before stopping on one. She froze, then began typing furiously and switching through screens rapidly again, eyes widening a little,
"No..! No? No! No-no-no.. That cant be right..!" She muttered out-loud to herself, suddenly gaining a rather high pitched tone of surprise, "That's.. NO..! That can't.. But.. How..? What the..?" She continued to mumble in quick pieces before stopping and closing several programs, "I'm just.. Uh.. Gonna get back to technical work.. I think I'm tired.. Yeah.. Probably tired..!" The woman concluded, laughing nervously whilst grabbing some of her files and staring at them before throwing them in the trash. By most accounts, this probably seemed like normal behavior. But it wasn't exactly like her to abandon a line of research.

"Okay boys and girls, call out targets and I'll give them a free present," Claire announced calmly, cocking her rifle and waiting patiently. If they'd already found one unit, that meant there wouldn't be more far off, however she stood stock still as Ambrosia's unit turned on the spot momentarily, aiming briefly in her direction, but then lowered the weapon, the range was too far,
"Mr. Marston. Target identified. One-thirty degrees to your right. Ms Silvers has been flanked." Ambrosia stated sharply,
"Got it," Jerry replied with a chuckle, turning on the spot and firing a small salvo of missiles. They hit the solid hull, digging in and exploding, blowing apart the front of the unit as it fell back. Ambrosia had already turned around once again, eyes focusing around herself,
"Good call, Blondie," Jerry added, turning around again, he was faced with another unit bursting from the tree line, however two holes appeared in its hull as Claire's rifle fired off two rounds, followed by a third that sent it reeling back, crashing to the ground,
"Well.. That was a thing.. Thanks Claire..?"
"Back at you, kiddo," Claire replied, grinning to herself as she continued to look around,
"Enemy tactic established; they are testing the defense of our formation. Three trials, three failures, likelihood of more forceful approach has increased."
"You know you could say it a little more normal," Jerry half-joked, making sure his missile pods were prepped for whatever attack came next while the units began to spread out,
"I do not know how to say it any other way." Ambrosia replied simply. There was no reply from Jerry this time, he seemed to have respectfully backed off, not entirely uncommon for him, but Claire chuckled form her unit again,
"Well, piece of advice? Don't take any dialogue lessons from Jerry or Trigger, I don't think we could survive a third one of them,"
"SO! More forceful approach next? What do you think Yamato? She hit it on the head?"