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Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurker
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 07-30-2014, 01:35 AM

"No need, I brought the Yamaha today."

Alex flashed a carabiner with a jumble of keys and keychains. Being part of the gang meant that nearly everyone had access to each other's vehicles in case a sketchy situation ever arose. Most of them (at least the ones with licenses) had copies of their keys, but only two of them (Alex and Allan) regularly rode the motorcycle. It had been Alex's sixteenth birthday gift as a reward of sorts for how much he had matured but also because Uncle Chris owed him nine years of allowance. Being the excited guy that he was, Alex ended up scratching it pretty badly (which pissed his uncle straight off a cliff) and had to ask Allan for a fix.

Thank goodness for friends in high places, he thought as the conversation slowly wrapped up.

He downed the rest of his lemonade in a single gulp before shrugging at Joleen's question.

"Let's hit the Blood Box after this," he suggested, well announced, "we could see if Vern knows a thing or two."

Grabbing a spare helmet from his backpack, he didn't seem to hear her sigh of discontent and walked behind her. She was wearing her usual, designer clothing of a pricy top, pricy shoes, and a pricy bottom to accentuate her svelte figure. Were it anyone else, they might not have noticed the subtle tug of the skirt or the slight poof she suddenly had in her hair. It made him pause and observe because Alex was no ordinary man. He was Ella's best friend and an ace detective!

"Ella you should really comb down your hair. The helmet's going to ruin it," he said, tossing her the helmet.

He led her to his parking spot where the motorcycle rested proudly, smiling at how the light reflected perfectly on the red paint and the special trap he'd installed in the headlights...not that Ella needed to know. He revved the engine and gestured for his friend (accomplice really) to get on. He whispered a "Crystal Caves" into his GPS to scan the map's main roads and put the phone away. Putting on his helmet, he zoomed off with Ella sitting in the back and the nighttime air whipping by. No matter how he got there, Crystal Cove only had one route to Crystal Caves and if they were lucky, one culprit waiting for them to capture.