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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 08-03-2014, 03:56 PM

Day 3 Entry: GAMBLE
Word count: 150/150
Bonus Themes Hit: Another NPC couple

"How did I get talked into this" a nervous blush in the cheeks of Nalin as he was pushed into a chair near a table where three people where already seated. Li Mei, Emilio, and Aimee sat looking back at him. "This isn't a very good idea"

"It's totally fine, The prize only kisses" Aimee giggled and Emilio blushed, sinking further into his chair.

"Yes....but gambling kisses?" Nalin blushed again but didn't leave. The game was poker, but instead of gambling money they were gambling kisses. Emilio gotten embarrassed by his kiss with Aimee and ran out, Aimee in pursuit. Which only left Li Mei and Nalin sitting at the table now playing a fierce game of Go Fish.

Finally, Li Mei won the hand and called it quits. She got up to leave and paused by Nalin's chair. She Placed a Kiss on Nalin's cheek, "Good night Nalin"