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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-07-2014, 04:12 PM

When Ellie stopped shrieking long enough to realize she hadn't been attacked yet, she backed up carefully until she was against a wall. She felt most comfortable there where nothing could sneak up on her from behind. Her heart raced and she squinted into the darkness trying to see, though she wasn't sure she really wanted to.

She heard Alex then and strained to figure out where his voice came from. "Alex!" she shouted in a relieved response. Her voice lacked the terror that her shriek had held, since she figured she wasn't going to be attacked, probably having scared the cave person away. Shrieking was a natural girl power. She could repel many things with it, as most females could.

"Alex, I'm over here!" she shouted again. "I don't have a light!" She couldn't move from her spot. What if she fell into a trap, or a hole or something? No, she'd have to be careful then. She couldn't just stay here. What if the cave person returned with backup.

Ellie put her hands out and felt her way along a wall. "Alex!" she shouted again, not wanting him to lose her location, or her his. At that moment, something tugged at her skirt, and something dripped on her shoulder. OMG it was the cave people trying to grab her, and one on the ceiling drooling!

She made a horrified, strangled sound from a scream caught in her throat, and without a second thought, Ellie ran. Luckily for her, she was in a long section of cave now, perhaps even and open part. She'd run until something or someone stopped her. All that had been behind her tugging at her skirt, was a jagged piece of rock. And the drool? Merely water, dripping from a piece of crystal above her.