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All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 08-09-2014, 07:40 PM

She didn't think just followed Oobis through the lot gravel crunching under her converse. There was a small stitch in her side, she had been super lazy this summer, but she'd run again if she had too. " Where did you hear the scream coming from?" Scanning the area ahead of them with her flashlight Jo couldn't find any sign of anything out of the ordinary in the dark empty tractor lot.

There were more tracks and one or two tractors but it looked like that had run closer to the end of the lot. How Ella's voice could have even traveled that far she didn't know but Joleen had learned long ago never to doubt Oobis's ear. What didn't make sense was that Alex and Ella were suppose to be checking out Crystal cave's mysterious fog. They couldn't be close enough. Unless they had come looking for them. However wouldn't calling have been better.

Glancing back at Matty to ask what he thought about it all when it looked like a shadow shifted behind him. It could have been a flick of the light, staring harder she noticed that the shadow wasn't so much flickering in the light as crouching behind that forklift.. " What the...?" Moving the flashlight to the spot behind her tall friend.

There caught in the beam of her flashlight was something that may have looked human expect for the fact that is was on all fours. Oh well...that was... "ah..uhu...I think we have company..." raising her camera she snapped a quick picture- half of Matty' face getting caught in the shot. Taking a half step back her blue green eyes widen. That stitch in her side didn't seem like a big thing.

Mentally she did a quick evaluation of the situation. Ella had screamed somewhere nearby, and a...thing was standing over there glaring at them She thinks it was glaring.