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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-09-2014, 11:25 PM

The blond man looked very out of place in the temple, wearing his chocolate brown leather jacket and jeans. Sholto wasn't trying to stand out, or to blend in, he just was. Just another tourist, visiting the ancient stone place, walking through the sweeping halls and looking at the oriental architecture. There was a lack of electricity and instead candlelight lit every twist and turn of the corridors. More then one corridor led to a dead end, while others led into rooms where some of the monks sat together, meditating, talking. They certainly weren't paying attention to him, even tough he wasn't part of the tour.

No ... he was looking for something. The amber eyed man finally found it too, in an out of the way room. It was in an elaborate wooden box, and fit perfectly in his hand. The gold was so warm under the candlelight. And distracting. The sound of footsteps made the thief panic. He stumbled against the wall, pressed his hand against something, and fell. Stone ground against stone, suddenly everything went dark, except for the amulet in his hands.

He stared at it. Took a deep breath as it tugged him down a corridor, lit with metal torches. It led down, lower, deeper. The damp air had Sholto shivering by the time he finally stumbled upon a coffin of stone. Or at least that was what it looked like. There were cushions here and there, silk ones. Almost as if they were placed so people could sit down and watch the stone bed on a pedestal.

Cautiously, he approached. An empty space caught his eye. It looked exactly like the intricate pendant he'd found. Slowly, he set it into the spot, and watched as the glow intensified.
