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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 12:48 AM

Sholto nodded. That he could understand, even if such things didn't apply to him. This meant too, that these mountains, that temple, had been Yin's home. It explained his looks, somewhat. Surely becoming one with a dragon had changed how the other man appeared, changed his personality. But who was he to know that? Him, no more then a magically endowed thief, no better then he had a right to be. Sholto took in a wiff of the fresh mountain air, breathed it in and let it calm him down.

"My name is Sholto, and it's 2014. I'm not sure what kind of calendar you're used to though ... might be different. " He shrugged. "Anyway, you can call me what you want as long as it isn't insulting." Something buzzed, beeped. Sholto made a face and slipped a sleek phone from his pocket. A glance at the screen had him cursing in french. Instead of answering, he pressed his finger to the big red hang up button and sighed once the noise had stopped. They were checking up on him, of course.