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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 01:48 AM

The cave would do for now, but soon enough the other was talking to him once more. He turned his attention to him, listening to his words slowly. "We are both the same now, and yet remain separate" he did not expect that to make full sense to the other right away. "Our minds, nature and such have joined yes, I am him and he is now me....but at the same time, I am a vessal you might say, and he sleeps within me" once more, he did not expect that to make complete sense to the other. He listened to his comment about the cave with a slight glance around.

"If it upsets you so much, we can move on to another place" he says, looking to him once more. There were a few nearby buildings he knew of, though after his sleep, he had not been sure if they were still standing. He was not sure if this had even been standing when they came here. He had used to come here when he was younger, to explore and meditate. He doubted any of the monks there would know such a thing about him, this place brought back memories though. He placed a hand on the wall of the cave, remembering when he and the grandmaster had come here to train. But that was all the past, that was all gone now.