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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in exchange for your immortal soul.
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 11:45 PM

Amory's knees had just accepted the painful truth of the solid grey slabs of concrete he had ended up being dragged across when he was again lifted by the collar and slammed none too gracefully into a wall of solid brick. Taking the brunt of it with his left shoulder, he then quickly turned to face the three men there, cautious eyes narrowed in upon each of them. The shades of shadows in the area swept across their faces, leaving each a menacing gleam. These guys were true criminals, and for the sake of his act, he may actually end up paying for his carelessness. "Shit..." Amory felt cornered here, his mind whirring at ways to escape the scenario as he found a fist making contact to his chin.

Head slamming into the concrete, he bit his lip and refrained from fighting back for the time being, feeling caught in this situation between his little act and his actual skill level. It wasn't until one of the red-suited men revealed a switchblade that he had finally decided upon one of them. Amory could make use of a switchblade. It was just a case of taking it from the man, and ensuring that his cover wasn't blown to his target, then.

Before he made any decision about his dilemma, however, a single bullet pierced the air above his head, and he felt his eyes widen in response. Someone was making a move to take out this man. Not wanting to take the safety for granted, he tucked himself against the brick defensively as a men stepped out to take care of the two red suits, and even had the mind to lift his arms to cover his head. It was probably what a civilian would do, and as soon as he was clear out of danger, Amory went straight back to that train of thought-- he had to focus and be the civilian for this mission to go well for him. His eyes trained themselves on the area the man had previously been when he took out the two red-suited men, then shifted around the area carefully to search for anyone else in sight. He was almost certain of another gunman's presence in this, it was just a matter of where he would've been. It appeared to be more long-range, so he began thinking in terms of heights, or longer distances away. Cops wouldn't have acted this way. No one among his associates were in this part of town, as far as he was aware, and this wasn't quite the work of their signature. It was from another side. It may have been...

At the thought of his target, Amory thought to put on a front once more. He had to act, and he had to do a damn good job of it if there were anyone still watching. If he was thought to be a civilian, there were still string to be tied with him, in any case. Slowly, he removed his arms from their position around his head and took a deep breath. Shakily standing up and glancing down at the three bodies, one of his hands raised to his forehead as if he may be sick.

"God..." He spoke aloud, encouraging his voice to waver as he stumbled a few steps away from the scene, the shadows around them not quite seeming as dark without the aid of their menacing features.

"Anyone! Is anyone out there? Please, I was just..." he again spoke as if in shock, inwardly rolling his eyes at the pathetic cries coming from his own mouth. Unsure of whether there was anyone to come 'clean things up' with him, Amory was prepared to leave empty-handed from this, bloodied briefcase in hand as he ran a hand up through his tousled raven hair. Not feeling the extra weight of even any smaller blade up his sleeve, he was again reminded of how bare he felt, and sighed to himself, a bit of a pout forming on his lips at this whole situation.