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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-15-2014, 03:42 AM

Kioku heard that growl and he jolted slightly. No he definitely wasn't going to cross Brumac again. Well not so soon after that first time. One shaky hand patted the kelpie's thigh gently for a moment. "Sorry my darling, I'm not looking to make Brumy angry again." Now both shaky hands were on the kelpie and he pushed gently to indicate the other should get off of his lap. There was a bit of hesitation there, Kioku did want to have some fun with the kelpie, but then Kioku would have fun with anyone that was interested. Sometimes even if they weren't. He would have hesitated anyway though, he deserved the punishment Brumac had doled out to him and thought it was far to early to ease the pain. If he made himself feel better too soon, he would too quickly forget the lesson of not playing with the employees.

His attention moved to the blonde. "Everyone is interesting in their own way, my love. You just have to open your eyes to see it." Those eyes of his were watching Yukiteru for a bit. "I'm called Kioku." He introduced himself for the kelpie and Yukiteru's benefit, and anyone else's that might want to know his name. For a few moments his eyes followed Priscilla, she was a stiff. Certainly didn't belong in this place and her presence alone with that jewel at her throat could cause trouble, but Kioku wasn't thinking of that. He was wondering how hard it would be to seduce her without influencing her with mind control. The game was always more fun when it was challenging.

Last edited by Kry; 08-15-2014 at 03:53 AM..