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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 03:53 AM

The two kitchen helpers had already disappeared up the stairs at some point in the last twenty minutes or so. They slipped away unnoticed, surprising since they were both ogres, leaving the kitchen empty for Frewen to make tea unsupervised. Brumac grunted at Kioku when he slipped his deliciously tender arm around his own.

His eyes glazed over for half a second, but since the ogre wasn't angry, he controlled his hunger easily. Still, the taste of Kioku on his tongue made him hungry, and also made him feel guilty. He shook his head. "You don't give up do you?" he boomed down at his purple-haired friend.

Brumac had finished sorting the territs when Frewen spilled his drink. The ogre grumbled down and the new drink. He hated tea. Brumac didn't drink things like tea, or juice, and he didn't eat things like pastries or fruit cups. Brumac drank beer, and liquor and sometimes water. He ate mostly meat, of a variety that would make most people's stomachs turn, and sometimes he liked to have a cookie. But only if the cookie was made from ground elf bones.

Still, he gave Frewen credit for trying. Though he also expected Frewen to clean up the mess he made on the bar. He eyed the scantily clad girl cleaning the tables. Maybe he'd just make her do it. He loved poking fun at Peri after all, the strange girl. It wasn't like she wasn't already cleaning.

Peri finished cleaning the tables and tossed the rag onto the bar. Directly into the mess that Frewen had made. "Wha?" She had just cleaned the bar! She could see that she and Frewen were not going to get along well. She evil eyed the kelpie, as Brumac evil eyed her. She rolled periwinkle eyes and leaned over the bar to clean up the spilled liquid with the rag. This time she was grumbling something about pummeling Frewen into dust.