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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-21-2014, 07:34 PM

Yukiteru looked at the other, listening to his words. So he had been right about something being off with the tea. He did not mention this to the other, for it might have angered the other with him at that. He wondered what it was that the other spoke about to him, that had casued so much annoyance and anger in this one here. He remained silent though, and when the other said that he could happen, he raised an eyebrow. He was seriously hitting on him? He sighed, "no thank you." The answer was a bit blunt. He knew the other was after his energy, but Yukiteru had a bit more control over himself than others might. So even though he felt the tug from the other, he forced it back down to an easier to manage feeling.

He would never allow another to use him....especially in such a manner. He had enough of that with his own life already. He then moved over to the other, boldly stepping close to him dispite what he had just said. He placed a hand on his stomach, it would possibly seen as something sensual. However, it was for another purpose, to get a better reading on his soul, with the added souls of whatever was inside of him. At the moment, it was a mix of liquids. "Besides" his eyes moving up to the other, "you could not handle me that kiss alone is rather...dangerous." He turned away from him. It was true, but not in the way the other might think.

Through his kiss, he had a direct connection to one's soul. He could turn one into a puppet if he decided. Though that did not mean every kiss would suck out someone's soul or something, he was in control, able to decide when to use it. He moved back to the bed, picking up the chain once more. Now that the other was here, he needed to be wary about it. His back slightly to the other, but he was not afraid. If the other chose to be bold himself or make a move, he could deal with it. He lifted his hands, to return the chain to around his neck once more.