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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2014, 02:30 PM

Lune didn't understand the meaning behind a lot of this man's words, but that didn't really matter right now anyway. All that mattered was, there was no logical explanation for any of this. Lune still didn't know what to do. "It's all so overwhelming." She raised a hand to her head, fingertips pressing against her temples lightly. "I...I just don't understand any of this at all." For a moment she looked as if she might faint, but she took a few deep breaths and that seemed to help. Those fingers were still pressed against her temple though, rubbing a bit as if she had a headache.

When he mentioned the others, Lune lifted her eyes to look, she bit her bottom lip gently, frowning a bit. That hand lowered from her head to clutch a bit at the large skirt part of her dress, she was so uncertain, and still afraid this was some sort of trick or kidnapping. Though only time would really tell, she supposed. "Perhaps some tea would be lovely." She sounded very unsure, and for the moment she remained standing there, her eyes on the others that were approaching.

Kurako almost immediately regretted pointing Solaris and the new comer out to this woman. She instantly moved backwards until she was right next to him, and he gave a sigh, running a gloved hand through his hair as he watched her. She had seemed rather happy before he had pointed them out. The half elf hadn't meant to ruin her happiness, when she reached for his face, he tilted it towards her hand. Honestly, Kurako didn't mind the physical contact, though it was a rather inconvenient way of communicating in his opinion it was still very interesting.

She wanted to go over there, but she wanted him to lead the way. When she broke the contact, Kurako shook his head slightly. "If that's where you want to go, then you should take charge and march right on over there." He was already moving though, to lead them towards Solaris and the new guest, an amused smile on his lips as he glanced at the woman to see if she was following him.