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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-25-2014, 09:04 PM


Patrin has feathery platinum blonde hair and golden eyes. His pale skin has dark brown spots, the same kind he has in his unicorn form. From the middle of his forehead sprouts a spiraling golden horn. His ears are much like a unicorns, soft and fury and the same pale white as his hair.

The forest was silent, save for the birds twittering in the trees, and squirrels scampering up and down trunks, or running around with their cheeks full of nuts. The white coated, white maned, unicorn snorted and pawed at the ground with his hooves. He twisted around, and surveyed his brown spotted flanks with golden eyes. With another shake of his head, Patrin's form twisted. He knelt, and curled over himself with a neigh ... A slow long sound that turned into a human-esque moan.

A man stood from the forest floor, and brushed branches and leaves from his pale skin. There was no sign of the unicorn, save for the fact that there was a horn sprouting from man's forehead, and fluffy ears from his head.

Patrin stepped forward on wobbly legs when something, an intricate gate, appeared before him. He glanced back at the forest, before walking through those doors and onto a place alien to him. There were no branches nearby to block him from a sight of the sky. A building made him shy back, and the sight of people nearby had him crying out and tumbling clumsily to the ground in a heap.