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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-25-2014, 11:32 PM

At the other's comment, he did not believe her for a moment really. There was more to it then simply saying. Then the mention of what she thought they were doing sent a pang of annoyance through him once more. Before he responded though, the other male was. She was more than welcome to join? What right did he have to simply decide such things, especially when Yukiteru was involved? He had no right to speak about him in such a manner at all. His annoyance was rising once more, the other leaving with a mention of him not liking boys much. He was tempted to say something, oh so tempted before the other was gone. Leaving him and the girl there, he gave her a slight look.

"Go away" he was no longer in the mood to be polite to such ill mannered beings. He closed the door, locking it this time. He turned away, running a hand through his hair. "Disgusting" he said to himself, pulling off the chain around his neck once more. He felt like giving that man a piece of his mind as well now, but it would do no good right now. He sighed, taking a breath to push away the annoyance within him. He calmed within moments, before picking up his hat. The words of the other moved through his head. He looked away, before tossing it so it landed on the bed post at the end of the bed.