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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 08-30-2014, 08:29 PM

"And where have you been young lady?" An woman who looked to be about her 40s or early 50s. Even though her hair was obviously dyed you could still tell the age through her skin. She seemed to be talking to the other woman who just walked into the kitchen. The front door was too far from the Kitchen. "Out.." The younger woman practically looked like a barbie scowled. "Look I told you I was spending the night at Victoria's house studying, Mom." Then someone from the opposite side of the kitchen at the dinner table who seemed to be a troubled teen spoke up. "She was studying alright." He couldn't help but snicker at the end. Then right next him a burst of laughter rang through out the house. He seemed to older then the boy next to him. "She sure was!"

Their mother had a confused look upon her face as she asked "Excuse me?" But before the boys even thought about replying, their sister snarled at them. "You little brats, Guess I should throw this package I found on the doorstep in the trash." She started walking over to the trash in the corner of the kitchen next to the sink. Alas before she could throw it into the trash it was intercepted by the the young man who seemed to be the middle child who had just jumped out of his seat like it was on fire and ran to her. "Hey! That cost more then your plastic surgery combined, give it here." He quickly snatched up, and ran upstairs. Not caring if she had anything to say.

Someone like her wouldn't understand, his brother would...maybe. His sister could be annoying half the time, and don't get him started on his mother. Alexander was pretty neutral/cool with his brother, he didn't really bother him. He couldn't wait until he moved out get away from both of them. But it would take some time before he could accomplish that. In the meantime he had to read up on SAO to see if any changes were made by reading the pamphlet that came with it. He didn't manage to get into the closed beta testing but he was able to participate in the open beta they at E3 where they let a select few come try out the game a few weeks before they were to complete the final product.

Quite abit changed but it shouldn't be too hard for someone like him to get the hang of the game again. Wasting no time he carefully pulled out the blue and red visor. The visor at E3 looked way different from this. Probably didn't like the previous design I guess...either way this is pretty sweet. Alexander quickly stuffed back any packing peanuts into the box where they belong before moving it to his computer desk where there was a empty spot. He looked at the clock, and smiled. He was surely too excited to fall asleep but he'd find a way.

Alexander got undressed until he was in nothing but his boxers, he went into one of his drawers and pulled out some dark gray pajama pants before slipping under the covers his bed. He picked up the helmet and laid back into his pillow. Taking a deep breath to relax he proceeded to place the VR visor over his face on his head into the correct position. Feeling around the front of the visor he found the button he was looking for then pushed it. He couldn't say for sure what happened next, but he felt something before the darkness quickly changed.

------- Welcome To Sword Art Online ... User! --------

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 08-31-2014 at 04:06 AM..