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Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 09-05-2014, 03:00 AM

The day had started out just like any other. Not long after breakfast Layla and Dawndrea got into a heated argument. The twins rarely seen things eye to eye anymore. Their differences causing the rift that had formed between them to widen.

“Fine! If we can’t settle things this way then we’ll settle them in a different one.” Dawndrea had raised her voice as she stared to her sister. She grinned slightly, picking up the package off the coffee table. “We’ll settle things using this. Layla Collins I challenge you to play Sword Art Online! The winner is whichever one of us manages to beat the game first.”

A smirk played on Layla’s lips when her twin sister announced her challenge. That was just fine by her. “Dawndrea Collins I accept your challenge. To make things fair we will both start playing once the game is online this afternoon.” The young woman took her own package from the table and disappeared upstairs.

“Fair enough,” was the platinum blonde’s reply to Layla’s condition. Her violet eyes watched the raven haired girl with similar features leave the room. At the moment she was feeling triumphant. Sword Art Online seemed like it was going to be a cool game and she couldn’t wait to play it. Normally she wasn’t into gaming, but this game promised to be different from the ones she played before.

The morning passed by quickly for the pair. Finally it was the appointed time. The twins looked at each other, the tension in the air between them was thick enough to be cut by a knife. With a nod the two headed to their rooms to prepare for the challenge to begin.

Layla changed into more comfy clothes before lying on her bed. At first she just stared at the ceiling. I’ll be back soon. I’ll beat you this time. Little did her sister know the true meaning behind the smirk she gave her earlier. Dawndrea had no clue that she had been a beta tester for SAO and would have an advantage. Reaching over to her desk she picked up her nerve gear. It was only a matter of minutes now. With nerve gear on she closed her eyes, her body relaxing. “Link Start!”

It only took the raven haired young woman a matter of moments to navigate her way around the opening settings of the game. Upon reaching the last screen she paused briefly. Yes, she would use the same username as she had for the beta-testing. Accepting her data and username from the beta Layla was able to finally enter the game world.

A wide grin spread across her face as the world of SAO appeared before her eyes. She was finally back and she was ready to get this game started. The area around her was filled with new players and their chatter about various things. Ignoring most of them she went about getting what she would need to start leveling.

Unlike her sister Dawndrea had grown nervous. This game promised to be different, she only hoped that it wouldn’t be too difficult since she wasn’t a gamer. She changed into her soft kitty pjs before laying on her bed. Taking a moment she took a deep breath. Everything was ok, neither of them had played Sword Art Online during the beta-testing so they were starting out on equal ground. At least that is what the young woman thought. Nodding to herself she picked up her nerve gear, placing it on her head. She let herself relax before saying the command that would start her virtual adventure, “Link Start!”

It took the platinum blonde girl a few moments to register as a new user. It felt like it was taking forever to get everything done. Finally she reached the last screen. Quickly she double checked everything, pausing only when she glanced at her username. Yes that name is fitting, she thought to herself as she accepted everything so she could enter the world of SAO.

Standing there she took in the sights of the Town of Beginnings around her in. Her nerves were starting to settle down. She was getting excited, this was going to be fun. Now where to start she wondered as she continued to look around in an attempt to spot her twin sister.