Thread: The Messengers
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-10-2014, 01:04 AM

Emmery let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes. No matter how comforting Oliver was, he just couldn't forget. The man he thought of was lying upstairs in a different room with someone else by his side. He couldn't just ... That was why all the one night stands. To try and forget. "Oliver ... I'm talking about Dylan." Tears slipped from his closed eyes. Those stormy orbs opened for a few seconds, before disappearing from sight again. Emmery buried his face against the other man's shoulder. Hiding the evidence of an unrequited feeling he'd never thought to expose to anyone else, certainly not this man.

It made him feel like he was committing the worst of betrayals, and his heart was falling apart.

He leaned back to put his forehead against Ollie's again.. "How much do you like me? Do you like me enough to let me use you to help me forget?" The whispered words slipped through the air. They hung there like the broken things they were. A paltry attempt, really, at making known the feelings in his heart.