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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 09-12-2014, 04:55 AM

Numira seemed quite content to just keep her eyes on the children for a moment, however once she felt aware that Kiernan wanted to move on, she followed, staying in gentle step at his side. It had been rather pleasant to learn that flowers had such a nice use here, sure they still served some purpose in her society, just not the same that they used to. The idea of children learning magic like an every day thing also made Numira smile broadly,
"Oh? No fair.. I've missed a lifetime of practice..!" She whined jokingly, but she wondered then, if Kiernan was from Draskone.. Wasn't Cara from there too? How did she end up learning magic in Austaros instead? Why wasn't Kiernan with her?

Her line of thought was broken as she stared up at the home on Kiernan's prompting, she let out a soft gasp and a smile, just like the tavern, it was built with stone and simply looked old fashioned, as she could have expected, but it made the place so oddly charming. Her eyes focused on the laundry on the line, but then the windows as she focused on them for a moment, her irises shifting and focusing for a moment before she gave Kiernan an odd look,
"Kiernan..?" She began, raising her free hand and pointing towards his home, "Is some-one meant to be there..?" She asked curiously. The question was raised because she could see light within the home and she could detect motion, though her eyes turned up towards the sky next, what had started as a rather bright day was getting dark.

Clouds were rolling in quickly, some gray, some darker, Numira could feel a rush of cold wind coming and there was a smell on the wind that she recognized even here,
"Rain..?" She asked aloud, she didn't say much more, though she found herself looking over her shoulder past the village and into the forest far behind them again, her brow furrowing once more. That strange signal her augments had picked up on.. Strange.. Enough so that it was starting to unsettle her a little.