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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 09-17-2014, 11:45 PM

Numira turned her head a little when she recieved the kiss on her shoulder, though her face only turned slightly red, she didn't complain though. It sent a strange tingle through her, a sensation she wasn't sure she understood as much as she wanted to, but it didn't feel bad, or wrong. That he said he would protect her was.. Perhaps the most curious thing to her mind. No-one had ever said that before. In some way, she was thankful for it, but in another, she realized she didn't want anyone put in harms way for her own sake. Especially not Kiernan. If anything did happen, then she was firmly resolved to protect him, instead.

Her thoughts turned to the prosthetic again, he said that he needed to use his magic on it to make it work, that he couldn't do anything else with it, but what if he could get a new hand that didn't need magic to work? Back on Kiranes, it wasn't uncommon for lost limbs to be replaced with a prosthetic, she knew they didn't run on magic, of course it was a level of technology above that of this planet, still.. That this arm of his was stunting his ability to use magic.. It was a curious thought indeed. If Kiernan could use his magic in other ways, what could he do?

Her thoughts were rattled when he asked for her to sing and she froze in place, lips wavering a little until she drew them into a thin line at first, the problem with singing was, she had never done it in front of other people. And the first time she sang.. She lowered her head a little, reaching for Kiernan's arms this time and pulling them tight around herself for that protection he'd promised her at first, still hesitant and quiet until she finally pushed his arms away slightly and turned on the spot so she was facing him. She sat back on her heels, hands rested on her knees a moment and she fiddled with her dress in an embarrassed fashion,
"W-well.. I do not know.. Any song in your language.." Numira mumbled a little, flinching as another bolt struck some distance away, she took a deep breath and exhaled before clearing her throat for a moment and staring at Kiernan, her face still one of embarrassment, some sorrow as well, but then she took in another soft breath, and then she began to sing.

At the very least, Kiernan's tactic worked to some degree, she was able to ignore the thundering sounds of an angry sky, she lifted and moved her arms gently in a way that seemed highly practiced, it was expression to the song, although the expressions she made seemed more of sorrow. Numira had practiced the same song for many years after she'd heard it the first time, but not once had she ever sung it to anyone. But for Kiernan, she wanted to. The strange feeling of warmth she gained when she was close to him made her happy, even if the song brought only bad memories. She would share anything with him, if she felt brave enough.