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Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-20-2014, 01:08 AM

The responce to his words brushed off of Akio for a moment, as if he had not heard them. The speech about trust made the curiosity within him only strengthen a bit. Yes...everyone could fall. Everyone had choices, and it was up to those people to decide what to make of their lives and their futures. When the other looked at him and paused, he blinked a few times more in responce to the look he was being given. He was tempted to ask if something was the matter, when the demon spoke again.

So, he sought entertainment? Akio was to be his toy and nothing more? He frowned, feeling a slight pang of annoyance at such a claim. He was no one's toy, no one's entertainment. Then again, it vanished when the thought of the demon being a similar case to him in a sense. It was a chance to learn, to grow as a samurai and a being in a sense. There was a lot more he could learn on the inside, rather than outside. So he merely nodded, giving no hint on his expression as to a reaction for the moment at this revilation.

"Verywell...then if you are so keen on this idea, we shall see where things lead.." that was all he said, as the other had moved to the door. He turned away from his temporary prison, following him a bit. His boots softly making a noise upon the flooring as he approached the other. So he was planning to show him around then? His eyes moving to the demon for a moment. He thought back to a few moments before, how the other had regarded him. He could see a hint of something more within him during that time.

There was indeed something there...something here. As to what it was, he did not know. He supposed it would not get him very far to ask however, so for now he remained silent about it. He wondered if there was more feelings going on behind those eyes than the other was letting on. He paused by the door, in front of him now, slightly close like they had been before. His eyes on this demon, he paused for a moment, thinking his words through. "Do you plan to kill me as well?" he asks finally, simply straightforward.

"Once you lose interest or it is requested by your superiors?" he looked at him, he had read and heard of some situations such as this. It was rare that the goal of having the person returned safely was ever actually met. Either the captors got greedy and asked for more and more, or they simply killed them anyways. Was that to be his fate as well? "Do you plan to keep me prisoner forever instead perhaps?" he mused a bit, oddly enough giving a light laugh himself a few moments after.

He raised a hand slightly, waving it off. "Forgive me.." he stepped out into the hall, as he got his thoughts under control. He had been ammused by a thought of growing old in such a place. Most would think of growing old with the love of their life, not of this way. Would the demon age? He figured not, he was probably already well his elder at this point. That thought threatened to bring another laugh, and he lightly placed his fingers to his lips to stop it. It was oddly cut the tension and darkness with a bit of light even in the oddest humor.

It did help to give him a bit more hope. He had faith in the samurai, in his kingdom. His hand slipping from his lips to the amulet over his heart. It was because of such hope and faith, that he was in part unafraid here. That he could relax a bit and not worry as much as one might have. They would not allow this to happen forever, nor would he. Though he could not leave himself by force with this contract, there were other ways of such things coming to pass. Though it would not be easy...he was not one to shy away from a challenge though by any account.

He had come to far to allow it to end like this. He had made a promise to his father and himself. That meant he was not going to die here, he would not let the other kill him, even if that was what he had in store in the end. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a slight breath, before he turned to look at Dorian once more. "Shall we then?" he said in almost a casual manner himself. Whatever the case, the other could not kill him now, and he guessed he would not over all. He had given away that he was interested and curious after all.

Why go through all this trouble to simply kill him right away at the start? A waste indeed, which added to easing his fear and worry. He was not relaxed to the point where he was not aware and alert though. Even now he had begun to take in the details of the layout around him, the stone and everything within the hall. It was indeed best for him to know his way around, for more than one reason. He waited for the demon to speak, not to concerned with the answers to his questions for the moment..

Last edited by Kiyoto; 10-04-2014 at 06:11 PM..