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Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-20-2014, 07:51 PM

Akio watched the demon, as he went ahead and answered his question anyways. So, he did not plan for now at least to kill him. The mention of an eternity here once more sounded more like a joke than serious talk.They were on the move then, moving along the hall and away from what had been designated as the dungeon. He took in the sight of the hall around him and more. He spoke of the exits as they moved on, telling them that they were enchanted and locked.

So, h was ensuring that nothing was to get out...and possibly in. He looked at the detail within the home as they moved around. It was indeed nice, holding an elegance of its own. He kept silent as the other showed him the various areas.There were a few other demons like the one who had helped Darius earlier. so they were his staff. Akio glanced at them as they passed, but he did not linger much on it to give anything away. It seemed relatively standard, similar to a home a human might live within. They reached a room with which the other seemed to be the most fond of.

So he enjoyed some relatively human activities as well hmm? Darius was then moving to a window within the room. He was gesturing for Akio to join him, the look on his face hinting at something more within the hinting actions. He slowly moved him over to the window, and the demon's side. The scene outside was indeed different than he had seen back home. The darkness and feeling he got from it made it slightly harder to breath. He could feel his heart pick up a bit as he looked out the window. He said it was demon country, that Akio was further from home than he had thought.

In all actuality, he had been wondering this. How far had he been from home. Where he had been brought to exactly. So, he was now in a demon's land...they were often called domains within Eternia. Ways to reach them were from portals that set up along the worlds. Typically only stronger demons could usually make a domain, or open a portal between the worlds. So Darius was indeed a powerful demon it seemed. His eyes moved to the other, as he once more seemed to be amused by this little jest of his. He was once more attemptint to gain a reaction and pick at Akio.

His voice became colder a bit, and Akio noted the hand moving to his neck. He was hiding things indeed, there was more behind him than he was letting on. Akio took a breath, once more taking care in his words and not allowing fear or the darkness to overpower him. "I understand this is not my home land....I am in a place I do not belong, where I am indeed at the mercy of demons it would seem" his eyes on the sky once more now. "Even so....It matters little" he turned away from the window, back towards the door.

"I will not be bending to this will of yours or your entertainment" he placed a hand over the amulet on his neck once more as he stepped away. It felt warm against his hand and chest. Having it close helped to calm him, helped to strengthen his ressolve. It was having a piece of his mother with him. She had given it to him before she died, it helped to give him hope and strength. He would indeed to his best to keep this strength, to not let this demon win in the end. If death was to be his fate in the end, he was not going to give in so easily.

With such feelings in his heart, he was able to keep his calm and cool as well as with his faith in the samurai and the kingdom. He looked around a bit more as he waited for the other to speak up about his words. He had a feeling it would be another pick at him, the demon seeming not to rest with such actions. He had said that Akio was for his entertainment, he wanted a reaction and something to amuse him. If Akio succeeded in angering him, what would happen then? Demons were known for being quite ruthless when angered.

Would Darius be as well? Would he resort to violent actions towards Akio when he could not get what he wanted? Akio had never been beaten in his life. He had never been a bad child, so he had never really ever had to be repremended as a child. He had been injured and bruised in training, but it had never been for the pure reason of causing him harm. He had fought with lower level demons, who had sought blood and death as most did, but for the most part he had never honestly been in harm's way or at the recieving end of pure wrath.

He felt a slight pang of nerve run through him. People being hurt because of him scared him greatly, he had been willing to hand himself over to save the life of that samurai. If he was faced with pure abuse, he would have to indeed show his strength there as well. He knew it was a harder thing to face. When placed in situations that pushed someone, everyone handled it differently. He glanced back at Darius for a moment, what sort of things were lurking in the darker part of this demon's mind?

Last edited by Kiyoto; 10-04-2014 at 06:11 PM..