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Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-21-2014, 08:29 PM

Akio had caught sight of the other's reaction to his touch. Perhaps that had been part of his reasoning for pulling away? He followed the other in silence, his own mind moving around a few thoughts, that he did not mind not speaking at all. Perhaps a lack of words was best at the moment indeed. When they finally reached a room, he lifted his eyes to look at it. It was nice enough, and would do fine. Akio was not to picky, as one might think. He could make due with whatever he had, dispite being a prince. He typically prefered less, the simpler, rather than the extravegant his father seemed to like within the castle.

Daruis was speaking once more then, telling him it was best for him to remain here when the other was sleeping or out. He frowned a bit, indeed the other was back to picking at him once more. He knew well that many demons did have an intrest and taste in humans, but he was not going to let such a simple fear get the best of him. He would not be foolish enough to boldly move around and not take care of himself, but remaining the placid captive was not going to happen either. "I will keep that in mind" he said simply, brushing off the warning, as his eyes met the other's who watched for a reaction.

However, when he spoke the next term, that suggestive tone was indeed vile. Akio sighed, "I will have no need of such things" he stepped inside the room. Honestly, such a suggestive thought was insulting, and a bit surprising that the other would even hint at it. Many demons would not even think about touching a human, but to boldly lean on an idea like that... Akio pushed the thought from his head. He had never partaken in such activities. He was as many would say still fully pure, in body and mind. Though there were a few troubles to the purity of the mind part. For as much as knowledge could be good, it could also be bad.

His mind moved back a bit to the other's words. Understanding each other had been called foolish by him. Akio's eyes softened a bit in thought, as he brushed his fingertips over the top of the bed within the room. Understanding....was it so foolish because it would not change things...or because it was the fear of the other forcing him not to let another in. Human or not, placing walls around one's heart could also be both good and bad. He glanced to the window within the room, looking back out at that sky so different than his home world's.

He turned to Darius then, his eyes on the demon once more. As much as he tried to hide it, it seemed he had not been fully prepared for the presence of Akio within this world of his or his home. He took a breath, before speaking once more. "What is it that your superiors seek of my father? Of Eternia?" he asked, the other had not spoken yet of their notions. He had said he had no personal quarrels with Akio's father, that he was entertainment. Another thought then dawned on him. "How long have you been watching" he looked into his eyes. On some level, the other had to have been watching.

He had to have been, in order to know of Akio, to take intrest in him on such a level. He could play it off as some simple or random action, but Akio could not help but feel like with many other things, there was more to this. He lowered himself onto the edge of the bed to sit, not even thinking that after the comment the other made, he could be possibly placing himself in a compromising situation. He did not believe the other would boldly take advantage of it, dispite his suggestions. He was more interested in talking once more, and the other seemed to be as well. For dispite his agreement to the tour, the other was still there..

He could have walked away at any time, left if it had truly caused him to much discomfort. Then again, the other would not so easily admit someone had gotten to him, he would push himself to stay. Akio believed that on some level, this was more than his interest in finding out ways to get to him. He was interested in him, perhaps in why Akio was as he was, he did not know, not able to read his mind. He waited for him to speak, wondering what his reasoning for all of this would be.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 10-04-2014 at 06:10 PM..