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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Old 09-23-2014, 02:35 AM

“I would think that you would not, you were talking in your sleep.” Sam smiled at him through the mirror. He could clearly see the worry seem to just fall off Amory as they talked. Maybe this was not a bad thing. Granted when he and Fate had this problem he had passed out and then recovered to find fate ready to leave him for good. If Amory was anything like he was back then it would be a really bad thing to offer to leave. “all I knew was that you were worried about the don and the hit, you wanted him to leave you alone but you did not want him dead. But from what I know the cops will not be tracking the death back to me.” They better not be, he thought as he finished up with the hair. “if you don’t we can talk about it later.”

Sams smile became a grin as Amory spoke of how the Don knew about what he liked and did not care as long as he kept selling the club. “then my love I think you and I shall play the Lady Killers in the lime light and shall walk out with only each other.” Sam thought that the Don would not mind if he became one of the dancers there to keep the ladies happy while their men were away with the games. Their Gents would not have any problem with Sam once it was known that he did not really prefer the ladies, and had a steady dance partner. “I think the Don will find that he had gotten himself a better bargain in me then he thought he had just this evening.” Turning Amory around he gently grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him soundly. After a few moments he broke it off for a breath. “now I believe that is your queue to get to the stage.” He said as there was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door the man who had been watching them earlier stepped in. “sir the band is ready for you.” He said smiling a knowing smile at Amory before turning to Sam. “and the Don would like to see you out on the floor.” Bowing slightly he stepped out of the door and closed it behind him.

“now what do you think he wants?” Sam asked as he grabbed a shirt and suit off the rack to put on quickly.