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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in exchange for your immortal soul.
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-23-2014, 04:31 AM

The don, sensing the cold in Sam's voice, returned it with a chuckle. "My boy, you're still going to try hiding it from me?" He began, grinning, then shook his head. "Don't be a fool, now. What would you do? Take me out? I reckon you took out Giuseppe, too, for the kid." He assumed, unsure of fact behind it, but thinking he amy have done so for Amory. He had wanted him dead, after all. "A second don's death on account of the kid, out of a job, his budding career slain... It'd be a damn shame. Only a boyfriend to protect him, too?" Exhaling a smoke-filled breath, the don took another sip of scotch. "I'm not asking much. A couple of hits a month, a decent rate. I'd boost your income a bit. It'd help you two out... The boy's still gaining his financial footing... supporting you too, would be crippling." He explained, then mused over more information. "Be a shame if I told Amory I'd have your head if he saw you like that again. The little dove would believe it, too, you know." He threatened again, voice lacking a cold edge, though his tone was one of quite the businessman.