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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Lunna Dea is offline
Old 09-26-2014, 03:42 AM

“he is not fully bound sir,” the guard shivered as he saw the power ripple as Koji flared. “we could not allow him to be full unbound. We did try after the sun set last night to remove all the bounds thinking that might have set him off. But when we lost one of the guards to his ice we had to rebind him.” he did not sound to happy to be telling koji the truth. Yet he also knew that if he lied then this fire mage would turn him to ash and no one would be able to stop him. stopping at the captains office door he opened it and held it there.

Erde stepped into the office to the surprise of the man that sat behind the desk eating his breakfast. “what may I do for you mage this early…” His eyes went wide as he saw the two marked mages behind Erde. Standing he dusted off his vest and the food that might have landing on his lap. “ I am sorry sir’s I usually do not have visitors this early in the morning. How might I aid you all?” the room around them was smaller than most guard captains had. The walls were covered in drawings of people and lists that listed everything from marks upon a prisoners bodies to identifying habits.