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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 09-27-2014, 09:30 PM

He was about to turn around and remind the blonde that this wasn't best time to stop and daydream, maybe even go and drag her along (to hell with manhandling and what not), when she caught up to him. Ryan stopped and tensed - in that order - at the soft touch, but turned to look at the girl with slight frown. But he did listen, as she had requested even though few sentences in her ramble, he shook Sophie's hand off lightly. It was too familiar gesture for his liking, especially in the given situation.

Especially since he had surroundings to investigate, which he did thoroughly. Since there were no signs of life, well, rather movements of any sorts, Ryan afforded to shoot his companion incredulous look. Was she for real? He couldn't recall anyone who was both so expressive in their opinions and so damn optimistic. To the point of naivety. She truly was young, like a child, daring to speak whatever came to her mind and believing in a good outcome of all matters. Had she never had had to pay for her actions or it had been like water on duck's back?

When Sophie looked at him, the scowl was back in place, though. He was in no mood to discuss his tough guy 'act'. It wasn't even an act, goddammit. But then again, she was making a habit out of making wild assumptions about him and his life. The fact that she touched some facts that may be closer to truth than she thought was something the man decided to not let get under his skin. Perhaps that was her plan, to pry something out of him. Since she had been so keen on reminding him how he ought to free her, Ryan couldn't quite believe she would switch to sunnier outlook about the situation now and just drop it.

Ryan quirked an eyebrow at the end. "Oh, good to know. And here I thought you had hit your head. Hard," he commented wryly and then his tone changed to harsher one, "now, no more talking." Mouth set in firm line, he moved along one of the buildings and then darted over street, perhaps with greater speed than he seemed to be capable of in his wrecked state. The man would make sure she follows before continuing on.

Rest of their journey was mostly uneventful, aside from nearly-run in with large group of zombies that he managed to notice beforehand and drag her behind some trash containers, partly covering Sophie with his body and setting slight cover of illusion over them. After that, they moved up on roofs again where they had advantage of being higher view point. When they finally reached their destination, he settled down on roof's corner, pale eyes sweeping a searching look over surroundings every few moments and then settling down on her, before moving to stare at some point in sky. Ryan felt a bit like his body was in auto pilot and his mind detached from the events. There was a kind of surreal feel to it, but not of the good kind. No, it rather bitter and ugly instead.

The taint from the wound slowly spread further down his face, marking blood vessels on their way and by the time they were able to open portal, they were already way down his neck. Even if the blonde tried to talk with him, he was rather unresponsive, cold and distant look on his face. This sense of detachment served while planning out course of action for next week and when the bracelet finally responded to his touch, tearing a hole in the fabrics of reality, Ryan was sure this was the right thing to do. Or as close as he would ever get to doing the right thing.

His hand was heavy on her shoulder as he led Sophie through the portal right into sterile hall with at least 7 people, some in white coats of doctors, but at least 2 wore expensive suits. For second, they all were frozen and then came to life, rushing towards the pair and pulling them apart and last he saw her being held, firmly but not quite roughly (unless she struggled), by arms and led out of the hall, slightest pang of doubt and closest thing to regret he could afford wrapping up his thoughts.

It took him longer than he had planned. The first three days he spent in hospital bed, practically in quarantine, and half of the time he was dragged in the dark depths of his subconscious, feverish nightmares taking over. He'd rather never go through something like that for again in future, but he didn't have too high hopes of that since this wasn't first or even second time. Still, luck had been on his side in one particular aspect and the plague could be battled with incredibly strong immunity boost and some other chemical wonders. (They said something about in-direct contact with infection's cause and some other nonsense.) What was more, docs said his body had now developed an antibody of sorts and he was zombie-proof. His blood was closest thing to vaccine now. At least for that particular zombie-plague.

After that, Ryan had began preparing for his departure. Of course, all his actions were well covered up and excused by the fact he had another near death experience and he never wanted to go on a mission unprepared again or leave his matters not taken care of here. Not that they really cared what he did. He was just a pawn - useful one, but still just a pawn. Besides, he had proved his loyalty and worth. And the man was careful not to hint otherwise, asking about Sophie just once in casual manner and nonchalantly shrugging when reminded it was none of his business.

But now, two weeks later, all the preparations were done, even the legal ones that had taken far too much time, but he had cared too much to do it sloppily or drop midway through (and she was partially at fault, making him think of his past and what it meant to care.) It's time for the hard part. Smirk flickered over his lips, as the doors slide open without noise revealing surveillance room. The man lounging in the chair in front of all the screens tensed up and swiveled his seat around, but he saw nothing. It didn't make him less wary however and he stood up, hand going to his radio, but it never reached as invisible fist clocked him right in temple. And then in gut, for good measure. It took few minutes then for the security guard to get tied up, gagged, robbed of access card, gun and stuffed in janitor's closet little down the hall, as cliche as it is.

He turned the cameras off and the clock started ticking in his mind. It's only so long before someone will notice something's amiss, so he has to be quick. And despite this very rational thought, he paused by the room entitled as "Storage". If he is correct, one of the many lockboxes there contains Sophie's belongings, perhaps even that stupid orb of hers. So, against his better judgement, he used access card and slipped inside. Quick dig through logs revealed that around time of their dimension travelling adventure, belongings of "object #9763" were put in box numbered 205 and Ryan hoped the card would grant him access to it as well. No such luck of course, so he simply busted the lock and then door. Eh, it's not like he'll have to pay for property damage later, right?

The man stuffed the items in his backpack, aside from bag that he flung on his shoulder and hurriedly left the 'crime scene', closing doors behind him. Now he had to find the room that Sophie was in. Just because he hadn't openly questioned about her didn't mean he hadn't done his best to find out about her situation. Ryan hoped that she wouldn't be drugged too deeply, like she was the first few days, and able to cooperate somewhat, although he was willing to carry her out if needed. Perhaps it'd be good, less chance she'd make noise unless she woke up in middle of some corridor... Maybe not so good after all.

Ryan stopped in front of doors to her room, hand automatically rubbing his face where red mark stood out against his naturally pale skin. The wound had healed up nicely, but the jagged scar would remain. Not that he really cared, his mug getting scarred was bound to happen sooner or later. He just wondered how long it would take for him to get rid of nervous tick of touching it, as if checking that it was really closed and no black ooze seeped through his blood vessels. With frustrated (at her, him or Zofies, he didn't know) huff, he slid the security card through the lock and felt tiniest bit of relief when soft buzz notified him that the doors had been unlocked.

He opened doors slightly and moved inside, dropping the invisibility shield and immediately going "shhh" if the girl was awake and aware of his presence. "Come on," Ryan spoke hurriedly, moving to her side (opening any restraints if they were there and helping her up, if needed), "and if you make a single noise, I'll leave you wherever we are, even if it's middle of the damn corridor." And only corner of his mind told him that it was empty threat. As soon as they were ready to leave, even if he had to carry her, the man surrounded them with his sphere once more, hiding them from onlookers and moved out, decisively heading down corridors that were more alike endless, white maze than anything.
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
~ My Shop ~ My Runway ~

~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~

Last edited by sadrain; 09-27-2014 at 09:34 PM..