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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Lunna Dea is offline
Old 09-28-2014, 03:53 AM

The echoes of a battle through the trees were a surprise to Lethlawynn. There were to be no battles in the green lands of Lysylan. Turning to the sound he looked down at his companion the winter wolf of the mountains, Niquis. Looking up at him, Niquis tiled his head and made an inquiring sound. “I know not what it is my friend, but we shall soon find out.” Picking up his bow he set off at a trot in the direction of the sound. There had not been the sound of battle in these woods for many a generation. The closes there had been to that was the battle on the border. Where the humans had in their arrogance set upon each other. He did not care why they said that the other had started the war but now the war had reached the borderlands.

Time passed as Niquis kept pace with him as they travled to the border. Lethlawynn would have liked if the sounds of battle had kept up yet he was only a lone scout in this area of the woods. If it was a large enough army then he would not be able to take on the humans. One or two of them he could deal with no thought of a work out, six or seven would be a test to his skill but a full set of them would be to much for him to deal with on his own.

The smell of blood and rot was strong a mile out from the battle field. Lethlawynn wrinkled his nose at the disgusting smell as he pushed forward. Niquis snorted and sat down it being quite clear that he did not wish to continue. Looking back at him Lethlawynn sighed, “you think that I will not need your nose to find any that have lived on from this day?” Niquis shook his head then slowly got back on his feet to fallow. “I thought not.”

Though Niquis fallowed him when they arrived at the battle field he made it quite clear that he would not be dirtying his paws in the blood mud mess. Lethlawynn did no notice him stop as he walked slowly into the misted of the dead bodies. Never had he seen such bloodletting in his life, it sickened him. How could the humans wasted such a precious thing as each of these lives. Bending down in the mud he gently turned over each human to make sure they were dead. He did not found a single one of them that was alive. It was then that he noticed Niquis sniffing around at the edge of the bloody meadow.

“what have you found my friend?” dashing over he noticed a small trail of blood leading away from the battle. “so one of the barbarians did live?” looking up he fallowed the drops out into the woods. Moments latter he cursed. “I will have to dispatch this creature, we can not have them infecting the lands of Lysylan, for it will breed and make more of its disgusting kind.”