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Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 09-29-2014, 03:26 AM

At one of the several armories Layla browsed the selection of weapons available. The girl’s hand ran over the section of swords, lingering over one of the curved blades. She recalled the information she had learned from the beta testing. If she wanted to wield a katana in the future she would have to start out with using one of the curved blades. This seemed to be the nature choice for her since SAO didn’t have scythes and the selection of pole arms were lacking in her opinion. Her hand finally came to rest on one of the more expensive curved blades and as she went to pick it up someone else’s hand landed on top of hers.

“Excuse me. That is my sword.” Layla’s tone was sharp as she moved to pull the blade towards her. Her attempt was stopped by the other person whom she had yet to look at. The voice she heard sounded slightly familiar as the other person began to speak.

“I don’t think so. You were taking too long to pick a weapon. I spotted that one first there for it is mine.” Dawndrea’s tone was just as sharp. Her eyes landed on Layla, though she didn’t know it was her twin sister. Her hand wrapped around Layla’s to prevent her from taking the sword.

Layla growled at the girl who was preventing her from taking the blade she wanted. The glare she gaze Dawndrea was cold. “My hand was on the sword’s handle first so therefore it belongs to me. So go away and pick some other weapon.” She raised her voice further, her tone more harsh. This caused those nearby to stop what they were doing and look over at the pair. Some began to whisper quietly among themselves. A few were already placing bets on whether or not this disagreement would turn into a fight.

Dawndrea shook her head. “I’m not going to. That is the sword that I want so hand it over and then I will leave quietly.” Just as her sister had done she raised her voice as well, but her tone wasn’t quite as harsh. More people began to stare at the pair as they continued to argue back and forth about who the sword belonged to.

After about five minutes or so the NPC who ran the shop came over to break things up. He ended up kicking both of the girl’s out of his shop telling them to not come back.

Outside of the shop now Dawndrea started to laugh due to the NPC kicking them out. “Deserves you right.” She said, pointing at Layla. The girl was about to say something else, but was cut off by the other.

The girl put up a fight as the NPC kicked them out of his shop. Layla picked up a rock and threw it at him as he reentered the weapon shop. At this point she was fuming. The words that the other girl directed at her rang in her ears. “What did you say bitch?” The glare she gave Dawndrea was filled with rage and anger. “You’re the reason we got kicked out. If you hadn’t been so insistent that the sword was yours then this wouldn’t have happened. Rightfully that sword should have been mine. My hand was on it first. So I don’t want to hear that kind of shit coming from you.”

As the pair argued nearby Eloise ran into and knocked over Haru. This went unnoticed by the girls as they continued to argue. Their voices could be easily heard by those that weren’t even that close to them. The whole situation between Dawndrea and Layla was escalating and rapidly. The two were now in each other’s faces as they yelled at each other and called the other names. Soon the two girls were throwing blows and actually fighting each other. The pair grappled, neither wanting to give in to the other.

Layla gave a low growl as she put more strength into her attack. She knew full well that they couldn’t really hurt each other since they were in town, but that didn’t stop her from fighting this arrogant girl who caused her problems. She was going to teach this person a lesson for getting in her way.

Dawndrea grunted as she took a fist to the gut. She glared up at Layla before taking another swing at her. Since she was new to the game she didn’t know that they couldn’t actually ‘hurt’ the other person since they were in town. For a brief moment the way the other girl fought reminded her of her sister. Though she doubt such an avatar would belong to her sister. For some reason she couldn’t picture her twin choosing such a sexy looking avatar for her character. She continued to fight with the other.

A crowd had started to gather as the two squared off. People were taking bets on which of the two would win or give up. Others were taking beats on how long it would take before someone came to break them up. This really wasn’t the way either of the girls had planned to start out their games in SAO.