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Old 10-02-2014, 11:47 PM

They spoke of another caravan moving through the forest, but he knew more. The others did not trust the moths or the swamplings, choosing only to speak with the songbirds they chose to ride. But the songbirds had little thoughts of the matter, moths and nightjars loved gossip as much as they loved lies. Jarile trusted the moths more than some of his own kin and he was able to weave the truth from their tales. There was more than just caravan movement in the forest as of recently, individuals walked alone, something only the foolhardy or the powerful did. Since he wasn't asked to help in the raid on the caravan he felt it would be good to track down some of these lone travelers down.

Falling out of his tree hallow his wings opened and whirred to life carrying him onwards. The forest past by him and he darted between trunks, not bothering to hide his own travels with the mimicry of a bird's flight. Judging by the thinning of vegetation he was nearing an edge of the forest. He still hadn't heard or seen any signs of wanderers, usually the moths' gossip held some truth. This time they were more cryptic than usual though. "'A path unseen, the travelers take. Slowly loss thins their ranks. Near the Dragon's tooth they try to seek. But unlucky them for they are weak.' What the hell did they even mean with that, and their constant humming while they rhyme in turn." He complained to himself as he flit over the path leading out towards the Dragon peaks. Resting on a branch facing out of the forest he waited.