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Velvet is offline
Old 10-13-2014, 04:45 AM


Trailing silently behind, the night elf kept a pace to where she wouldn't become easily visible, but to where she also wouldn't lose visibility of the stranger before her. Had he, she, or it done all of this damage? Destroyed part of this forest? Was it the orcs or another terrifying enemy that had already laid claimed to so many innocent lives? With so many questions, Vera could not possibly allow someone or something to simply walk away if they were by chance a danger. Though she knew following something that was obviously powerful was incredibly dangerous in her current state. She still felt weak and needed to rest, the wounds obtained from her battle with an orc and her use of conjuration magic had left her almost moving lazily.

Suddenly losing site of the stranger in front of her as they disappeared into the still standing trees, Vera felt a sudden ping of panic. "Can't lose it now.." Her voice was a mere whisper. Slowing her pace to a walk, the night elf closed her eyes and inhaled deeply calling upon animal aide, another one of her powers. A haze of images flashed in her head; a pile of leaves, a patch of briars, a dark burrow, and then finally the unclear image of someone struggling on the forest floor sizzled momentarily. The owl's who vision Vera had borrowed began to dissolve and the familiar scene of debris and broken trees filled the night elf's eyes once more. "So, you're not an orc.." Vera whispered and began wandering towards the direction of what appeared to be a male figure struggling.

Though she knew nothing of this stranger, Vera's curiosity of who or what he could be was overwhelming and she aided her determination to find out with the idea that he was wounded and therefore would not be much of a threat. Slipping through the thick brush and trees, the elf quietly searched for signs of a trail. Spotting some broken limbs and leaves that had been disturbed, Vera was soon on the same trail the stranger before her had previously created.

Fatigue began creeping more strongly through the elf's body as she continued to follow the trail. She desperately needed rest, but could sense she was closing in. Vera stopped in her tracks when she finally came upon who she was following. Quickly dashing to the side, she hid in a thick canopy of leaves and brush. Her senses told her this wasn't a true form, but they could not tell her what was his true form. She also could not sense whether this man was good or bad, nor could she sense if he was a threat to her kind.

Going on a blind leap of hope that the stranger was not dangerous, the elf stepped forward and out in the open. Her dark blue eyes scanning the stranger, her hand ready to reach for her bow if needed, "Hello?" Her voice was unsteady, questioning.