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The Queer Engineer
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Old 10-17-2014, 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by Dandelioness View Post
The hyperinflation on Gaia has made the economy a chaotic shamble... that's what I heard anyway. XD I was only on Gaia for a week and found I couldn't keep up with all the activity. I can't access the internet more than once a day and that's an okay pace on Mene but it wouldn't work there. Plus there was a little too much to do and I couldn't commit myself, and in such a large community I don't feel like my voice is heard.

I see. NPCs are cute :) They're often so realistic I wouldn't know that they were NPCs if it didn't say so beneath their avi.
I don't think I'll start an auction. I don't even like participating in auctions because I can't stand the suspense, plus I can't keep logging in every hour to raise my bid over the recent ones or anything like that. I liked the auctions on this site called GirlSense before it closed, the auctions were max 20 mins long which was cool and sometimes I'd join an auction when there were like 3 mins left and bid like crazy XD. It sounds like a Barbie-ish site but it was fun, because 90% of it was user generated content.
I have been on gaia since I was in middle school 0_0 All of my original friends do not go on anymore either because of college, real-life problems or because of the inflation. Also a lot of the users on gaia seem illiterate to a degree whereas this site praises people who can write coherent sentences.

I have not really accumulated enough gold to bid on items that I would want yet, but once I do the bidding wars shall begin. I absolutely love the current Contribution Items (CI) the Ultimate Gentleman and Flying High. If I cannot afford them now I hope that the auctioneer puts them up in the future.

Some users on gaia and I guess some here would consider bidding on something at the last minute as "sniping". Basically it means that you bid the exact amount of currency you want to spend on an item right before the auction ends. If you do ever do this, know that Menewsha and gaia both have anti-sniping programs in place that lengthen the auction for a minute when this happens. This is something I did not even realize I did on gaia until recently.