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abcTHC is offline
Old 10-24-2014, 06:26 PM

Oh my gosh, I can't tell you how many times I've run into this problem. Most recently I had to have this discussion with my oldest sister; she isn't incredibly religious, but she assumed that atheism was associated with Satanism. Thankfully she was easier and more accepting of what I had to say than most people. I think she was just relieved to learn that I wasn't worshiping the devil, haha.

My mom would rather me worship Satan than be an atheist because (in her words) "at least I would believe in something." It's hard for her and the others on her side of the family to understand and they're not afraid to make it known. If it were logical discussions they wanted, I would be all up for that and it wouldn't bother me. But they're not into discussions. They don't want them. No viewpoint other than their own is welcome. They're right. I'm wrong. They even went so far as to verbally attack me about it at my grandfather's funeral a couple months ago. I spent months with this man. He was in my nursing facility for a while and then spent day and night in the hospital with him and then day and night with him when he went into hospice. They weren't there. When he passed and we were at the grave-site, a few of them found it a good time to attack me on my lack of religion. Called me naive, asked me why I was even there, etc. It hurt, but I didn't say anything to them. I wasn't there for them. I was there to say goodbye to my papa. We all act as if it never happened, though it still really hurts that they would do that.

When my eldest sister had to have an emergency c-section and it looked like neither she or the baby would make it, my mom told people not to let me come around. As if my being there would jinx everything. That one still stings a bit, but again, we all act as if it never happened.

Never meant to let my family know. I meant to keep it to myself forever if possible. My mom had called me around the time Obama was running for re-election and was ranting how 'godless people' shouldn't be running the US, because it's a 'Christian Nation'. She was saying how only Christians should be able to run for office and I said, "Well, I guess I can never be president then." Long pause. Asked me what I meant. Told her. Another long pause. "I'll pray for you." Click. "Fuuuuck."

Luckily, I have my dad. He recently came to me and admitted that he was an atheist as well. It was a difficult conclusion for him to come to. But now he, my husband, and I can vent to each other and have all kinds of fun discussions. Dad and I even swap our books - he trades me his Carl Sagan books for my Richard Dawkins and we have even more discussion. It's nice to have someone on my side.

Sorry for the length. Got off-topic, but it felt good to vent.