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EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-06-2014, 01:44 AM

Welcome to the Mene Ranger Center!

The Ranger Center wants you! Come join the Mene Rangers and defend Menewsha!

I've been toying with this idea for over a year now, after seeing it on another site, since nothing like this seems to have been done, I'm going to do it!

What is it I'm doing you ask? Good question, here is your chance to become a Mene Ranger! What you'll do is pick a color from this list that has not yet been taken, fill out the form you'll see in a bit, and voila! You'll be a Mene Ranger! Once you've been accepted (I'll add you to the Ranger list) that color name and hexcode is yours in the Mene Rangers realm!

How this works
If someone picks the color Green1 no one else can be the Green1 ranger, you could however be the Green2 ranger, if the color has more then one shade listed. I will also allow you to type a color in the search bar, if it leads to an actual color, you may use that as well.

I want to note, on odd occasions some colors, like purple, have more then one hexcode. I'm only allowing use of a color name once, so in a case like that, the person may pick which hexcode color they want to use, and the other will not be able to be clammed. don't worry about this though if you want to use a color listed with a slightly different name, i.e. you could have a Green1 Ranger and a Green2 Ranger, because the number add makes them identifiable different.

Now that you've gotten through my long, boring, and probably slightly over explained intro, here is the form!

Color name:

My hope is give the people of Mene another fun place to post, we have many wonderful hangouts already, I want to add to the fun and spread it around even more! I hope to many fun and wonderful things with this. :)

Last edited by EirianHikari; 11-07-2014 at 05:06 AM..