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Crusher of Dreams
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Old 11-07-2014, 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
Dangranronpa is a big favorite of mine, though I've never actually played it. I also like the Ace Attorney games.
Aww - then you couldn't tell me if it's a better idea to try watching the anime first to see if I'll like it enough to play the game. xD (Well, that's more likely to happen anyway, as I don't have the system yet.)

Ace Attorney games are pretty great. xD I consider myself a fan, though I haven't even finished all the cases for the first one. >_> I'd probably need to start all over considering how many years it's been since I last played. D:

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
Would this include life-sim games with visual novel and/or dating elements? Or are life-sims their own genre?
It depends. :'

I mean, The Sims (for example) could be said to have both "dating" elements and "Visual Novel" elements (in that it occasionally lets you make choices that effect the story of your character(s) in the game). But I wouldn't ever really call it either a dating sim or visual novel. xD It's far too open-ended.

That said, I think life sim games are on topic for the thread, since they're closely related enough to be relevant for discussion. xD

Originally Posted by Liztress View Post
And I'm actually working on writing up a script for a VN/dating sim myself.
Ohyeah? What kind of genre?