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Crusher of Dreams
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Old 11-08-2014, 03:27 AM

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
Yeah, I wouldn't consider The Sims in this category. I was thinking of some games from Winter Wolves—they do some visual novel/life sim type crossover games, where you have to schedule your regular activities, and then get to play out interactions with the characters you encounter.
I can't remember all the games that Winter Wolves has out. xD I know the Fairbrook series, and I'd consider them a VN for sure. :3 I played the first game and had so much fun with the gardening bit and wasn't really very impressed with the story, so I didn't bother with the second game. >_>;

Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
Oh, well, I've watched a playthrough of the game and watched the anime. I would say that the anime is a heavily condensed version of the game. Though, for the sake of posterity, I would read a playthrough, such as this awesome one by Orenronen here: Dangan Ronpa
He played through the original Japanese version and translated it to English. The classroom trial sections begin as text but at the third trial Oren just uploads video parts of the trials. Though, if you want to just watch the anime, that's fine too. :P
Decisions. D: I'm watching Cry play Corpse Party right now and then I'm going to watch Dodger play Always Remember Me, so it'll be a bit before I get to Danganronpa.

I wouldn't say you'd need to start over if you remember what happened. :P
I kinda don't. D: